Death's Reach

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Iovyn landed in Death's Reach less than 30 seconds after departing. Many other death knights gathered here, making a continual attack on Havenshire, the Scarlet village below. Ghouls feasted on the remains of the villagers.
"Iovyn, we're elated you're here." An armored skeleton, Gothik, hobbled over to her. "We're advancing on these Scarlet dogs today, and now you must do your part. Go out there and kill the villagers and use this device to turn them to ghouls." He handed her a small, circular device. It reeked with plague-smell, however she was used to this stench by now.
You are part of a revolution...
The Lich King's voice sounded in Iovyn's head, reminding her who she was serving...who's control she was under. All death knights served the will of the Lich King, and the will of the Scourge. They had given up their free will for the promise of immortality.
"Yes." Iovyn said to Gothik. She began to summon her steed. She felt the shadow force pulse through her veins, she felt it pound in her head. The black horse materialized and reared, taking clouds of white smoke with it. Iovyn mounted the horse.
      Swiftly she rode down the path. Once she reached the village, she left her horse. She drew here sword, ready to slay some innocent souls. All of these actions were not of her doing. She felt the Lich King manipulating her like a puppet, bringing her to the cowering Havenshire woman before her.
     " children will have no one...please have mercy..." she whimpered, backing up against the tree.
     You are not a being of are a being of destruction!
     The woman shrank back as Iovyn lifted her blade. The cold energy pulsating off of it stung the woman's skin, the plague touched her and her pale skin rot.
     Iovyn remembered her task. She had to turn her into a ghoul. She took the woman by her tunic, and fastened the device to her. She screamed as the device exploded with plague, destroying her complexion and mind. A cloud of smoke enveloped her, and when it faded, an unrecognizable ghoul stood in her place.
     "Who do you serve?" Iovyn said, standing over the hunched ghoul.
     "I serve...the Scourge!" It said, and then crawled up to Death's Reach. Iovyn sighed. She hated doing this yet it wasn't her choice. She regretted pledging her will to the Lich King. It was too late now. And she had to do her duty.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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