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John woke up to a certain consulting criminal straddling him, shaking his shoulder, their faces uncomfortably close together. When Moriarty saw John was awake a huge grin broke out on his face. "Johnny boy! I'm so glad you're up, we have a lot to do today!" he said all this very energetically and chipper. In a flash, he had pushed himself off John and was standing to the side of the bed heaving John to his feet. 

"What are you gonna do to me?" asked John not letting his fear seep into his voice. 

"You make it sound like I'm going to hurt you! I assure you, you are perfectly safe with me no one will hurt you. Now it's time to get ready Johnny, you're my date and I can't have you looking like... that," he gestured to John in disgust, "hiding under all those layers won't do, but don't you worry I have plenty of clothes for you to try and don't worry they'll all fit you."

He wasn't lying, they all fit John perfectly, the only problem was, they were all quite fitted, and nowhere near the casual attire he usually opted for. It took 45 minutes of trying on clothes before Moriarty was satisfied with his outfit. 

"Now," Moriarty began, "we have a meeting in half an hour. Oh, I just can't wait to show you off! Oh, but I warn you, you aren't to speak unless you're spoken to, you are to let me and the others at the meeting do whatever we want without any objection from your part, and if you do not follow my rules, I'll blow up a school. Do we have an agreement?" 

John gave a shaky nod before he was whisked out of the room, down a hallway and into a limo. John sat as far to one side as he could but that didn't stop Jim from pressing right up against him, giving him no personal space. When they reached their destination and Moriarty pulled him out of the car, he walked behind Moriarty his head bowed. Every instinct he had told him to either run or fight, but he didn't dare disobey Moriarty, not with that threat looming over him.

He stood next to Moriarty as he greeted people. The first person to even acknowledge John was an elderly man with white hair and a cane that seemed to be for show. After greeting Moriarty he turned to John, "and what is this?" he asked. John resented being treated like a thing and not a person but he kept his mouth shut. The man grabbed his chin tightly and turned his head to both sides as if inspecting him. He looked him up and down and nodded as if pleased with what he saw. 

"A sort of trophy," replied Moriarty, again making John tighten his jaw due to anger at being treated this way. It was all he could do to keep his mouth shut.

"How much for him?" asked the man. John was startled and scared, he didn't want to stay with Moriarty but who knew what this man would do to him, and it would be easier for Sherlock to find him. John didn't let his terror show on his face.

Moriarty's face darkened and he growled, "he's not for sale," that caused the man to back off and go take his place at the table.

The second person to take notice of him was a middle-aged woman maybe in her 50s who gave him a once over before running her hand over the muscles of his arm and when Moriarty wasn't looking discreetly slipped her hand behind his and squeezed his arse. He started but remembered Moriarty's command and did nothing to stop the molesting, she stopped when Moriarty came back over.

John was happy to be given a seat next to Moriarty, his leg was acting up and it was becoming difficult to stand. He was not so pleased to find he would be sitting next to the women touching him earlier. He was trying to pay attention to what was being discussed, hoping to have some information to give Sherlock when he was rescued but was unable to focus when the women's hand was moving up his thigh. Still, he would not speak, he stayed still and did not object. 

When finally the ordeal was over and he was back in the car with Moriarty pressed up against his side he let out a breath like he had been holding it the whole time. "Surely you saw what that woman was doing," said John, Moriarty was a genius after all.

The only response he got was, "yes."

"So why didn't you stop her!?" asked John suddenly very angry.

"It's fun to watch you squirm," Moriarty whispered this in his ear, his hot breath tickling his neck. 

John shivered. This did not go unnoticed by Moriarty who just chuckled.


When they got back to where John was being, kept hostage John tried to retreat back to his room and relax after his ordeal but a yank on his arm pulling him onto the bed stopped him in his tracks. Moriarty had a sly smile plastered on his face. He placed his hand on John's chest and pushed him back. John had no choice but to lay on his back on the bed. Once again Moriarty was on him, straddling him. 

"Time to start where we left off," he said and then Moriarty closed the distance between them and they were kissing. John was squirming and doing his best to buck Moriarty off but he couldn't quite. Moriarty decided that bonds were needed anyway. With a snap of his fingers his henchmen had entered the room and were tieing John down, arms to the headboard, and legs spread tied to each side of the bed. Just like that, they were gone again, leaving John helpless and at the mercy of Moriarty. 

John continued struggling even though he knew it was no use. Moriarty just laughed at the sight. He had never felt so helpless in his life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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