Sex, Lies, Betrayal, Love...It's All Too Much! Ch.1

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Okay peoples my first chapter of my first story, it may be boring, but i promise it will get better in time tell me what you think & what I can improve, & your ideas!!!

BTW if there's a letter followed by ** it's a swear word I don't like putting the actual word so

don't hate me for it



Three Years Ago...

It's early in the morning, the Clouds were Covering the sun. *Beep Beep Beep*. It's the alarm clock.

"Time to Get up Tina-Rose, you got a long day ahead of ya, well maybe three".

That was Tina -Rose Summer, today she's leaving for her "Orientation Camp", she's already packed & ready to go.

She has Dark brown eyes, so dark you can hardly see her pupils, chocolate complexion, dark Knee-length, brown hair with red streaks through it, curves in all the right places. She's sorta popular, she's got alot of friends, but she's not into make-up, so she looks pretty for the boys, right now she doesn't really care about them. She's 12, has a sister, sometimes Tina-Rose plans on running away, Tina-Rose always feels like crap, but her friends think she's awesome.

*Knock Knock* "Sweetie it's time to go" her mum just walked in, Tina-Rose nodded her head saying she was ready.

"Timothy? TIMOTHY! Timothy Jones, you wake up now or you'll miss the bus & you won't go to the camp!!!"

"Alright Mum, I'm up, now could you please STOP yelling at me" Timothy groaned looked at the clock.

"SH**!!! I'm gonna be late!!" He whispered so his mum wouldn't hear, ran to every single place where he kept his clothes & just stuffed them in a suitcase.

Timothy Jones is a lazy Jackass Bad Boy.He has Medium-long, wavy, black hair, blue eyes, Fair complexion & skinny as a stick. He's 14, he has a reputation of a player, Very Popular, had 15 girlfriends. He's an absolute dickhead when he's with his friends.

"And honey Please unlock this door?" his mum asked.

"Fine, I'm Coming!", Timothy said while running to the door & unlocking it, "Kay, Mum, I'm ready let's go"





All the girls scream, Ryan hops into the limo

"Heading back to the hotel Ryan?"

Ryan looks up, "Ah yeah, sorry I was just checking my emails"

Ryan Thomas, Hearthrobe of the century. 15, Long, light brown hair, hazel eyes, fair complexion, Athletic. Loves all his friends, Family & Fans, so down to earth.


Ryan: Hey Summer

Tina-Rose's POV:

"So anyways, I was like 'There's No way in hell, I wanna go out with you'"

"And what did he say???" I was Talking to my Bestie for LIFE! Madz as BLYTHIE!!!

"He didn't say anything, he---" I felt a zap feeling on my hip, it was my phone. I'd got an IM from... RYAN!!!

Yes I mean Ryan Thomas, the famous pop sensation.

I always have at least one decent conversation with him each day, because he was touring or doing some Charity or event, anyways I replied back.

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