Process & requests

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Hello! So this will hopefully help you understand my process for updates. If you have any questions or requests feel free to message me, I try my very hardest to answer.

Although I answer most messages, rude ones will not be excepted. Please don't waste my time with rude messages.

For my lovely fans who support me, please don't associate with those people who do send rude comments. I appreciate you sticking up for me but I try hard to avoid drama and confronting rude people causes more. Now with that being said I can go into this process.

The process I will follow is very simple, I will publish a few chapters at a time to my book. I will only be doing one book at a time but, I may publish a few short stories along the way. Like I said it simple so you should get the basic idea. I'll tell you if anything changes.

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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