So I'm going to be telling you two stories today about when I was in elementary school. I didn't have my emo hair and I had small small glasses at the time, (you're not getting a photo Eleanor!!) So I had three friends who busted their heads at different times. The first to bust his head was Mikey (that's his nickname) at the time me and him are still friends. Back then he was VERY rebellious. (Right now he's way better) so during a test in third grade he decided it would be a good idea to play leap frog with his chair. The last time he jumped he tripped on the chair and slammed his forehead right into the metal part of his desk. (He landed under the desk somehow) me, being a good friend, I was the first to get up and check on him. "Is he okay?" Some kids asked me. Well he was fine, there was just some blood on his head. He went to the nurse, lied about what happened, cried, and got stitches. The next one is named Chris. He is still my friend as well. So we were learning to square dance in music class for some reason. Chris tried to trip Tayshawn who was about 2 times Chris' size. Tayshawn fell on Chris and Chris slammed into a white board face first. The other girl just fell backwards on the swing while going to high