Chapter 8

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"Quite the show you put on, Aylin." Ciel remarks, his tone smug. "The man was going to kidnap me if I didn't do something." I argue. "Kidnap?" Ciel inquires, to which I nod my head. "I managed to slip my thumb under his glove. He takes girls and auctions them to nobles in an underground market." I elaborate.

"Tch, I'll deal with him later." Ciel grumbles. I nod.

"Your dog is taking quite awhile to fetch." I remark, my elbow resting on the side of the carriage, my head resting against my hand.  "In all honesty, I don't trust what he may do without you around to witness the incident." I admit, hearing Ciel grunt in agreement. "He has his orders." Ciel replies. I know Madame Red must be curious as to who we speak of, but neither of us will speak his name. "Putting blind faith in a man of his caliber... It's not a move I would make myself." I state simply, shrugging my shoulders. "To each their own, I suppose." I brush off.

"Aylin, how old are you?" Madame Red suddenly pipes up. I consider for a moment, "Probably around fourteen." I answer. Madame Red sighs, "It's hard to believe either of you are so young by the way you speak."

•   •   •

"I want this cursed dress off now." I demand the second we step into the manor. All night I've suffered through the tightness, prickly lace, and a shortness of breath due to the corset squeezing the life from me.

"Young Master, I must apologize for the duration of my time away." Sebastian insists suddenly from a bit behind me. "So long as the job is done. Sebastian, help the girl get settled before I have to deal with more of her whining." Ciel commands before his footsteps recede up the stairs. "Yes, My Lord." Sebastian obeys.

I reach my empty hand out and find a bare arm. "Sebastian?" I question. "Yes, Miss Aylin?" Sebastian responds as I pull at his flesh. "Where is your coat?" I inquire, my brows pulling together. "I'm afraid it was lost in my quarrel with Grell." Sebastian acknowledges, catching me off guard and lifting me into his arms. I scowl, "A warning would be nice, asshole." I growl. "Now, now, that language shouldn't be used towards someone showing you kindness." Sebastian pipes up. "Good, because all you're doing is following orders with your teeth bared, like the bitch you are." I spit in retort. I hear Sebastian sigh as he begins walking up the steps, "A street rat really is a lost cause."

•   •   •

I intake a large breath, my regular clothing hanging off my skin comfortably.

I come across the bed, leaning my cane against the night stand, I fall back onto it, my exhaustion catching up to me. I tuck myself under the covers, burying myself comfortably.

•   •   •

"Madame Red was found dead this morning, a gaping wound in her side with blood splatter-" Before Sebastian can finish telling me, I yank his arm. "Don't tell me when I can see for myself." I bark, silently demanding he show me to Madame Red's body. "How long?" I grumble as Sebastian begins walking. "The blood is still wet." Sebastian tells me, opening a door and leading me in. "It will be painful." Sebastian adds, making me scoff. "Perhaps I'm masochistic." I mumble as Sebastian sets my hands on Madame Red's familiar features.

"I've escaped for only a second, I swear, Will acts like he's the boss of me! It's so annoying!" Grell exclaims, her red hair falling about her, her eyes bright green, and red glasses flitting across her eyes with the rising dawn in the window behind her.
"Where have you been?" Madame Red's voice questions from where my mouth would be.
"Sebas-Chan and I got into a lovers quarrel. Really, he was quite insistent." Grell pouts.
"Moving on! Madame, you must kill that nuisance of a child." Grell demands, her teeth flashing sharply in a smile and her chain saw pointing at Madame Red.
Madame Red gulps slightly. "O-Of course..." Madame Red stutters out, nerves crashing down on her.
"You don't sound so certain on that notion." Grell points out, her voice dangerously low. Madame Red hesitates, her mouth opening then closing.
"Don't tell me..." Grell growls, her chain saw starting. Madame Red's eyes widen.

I scream, crumpling to the ground and clutching my side. I bite harshly on my lip, holding my breath as I feel tears leaking down my cheek. A growl erupts in my throat, anger at myself for yelping replacing my pain. I press myself to my feet, my side feeling as though it's tearing apart with every movement.

"Damn." I hiss, my fists tightly wound as I lean against the bed, taking deep breaths.

I wipe my cheeks dry of tears and hold out my hand, Sebastian getting the message and placing my cane in my hand. "I believe I'll be missing breakfast today." I say, forcing my voice to be neutral. I begin walking, keeping my back straight despite the crippling pain that comes with it. I bite my lip, a small pain to distract myself from the major problem at hand. It will take about fifteen minutes for my side's pain to completely disappear.

Once I'm in the safety of my temporary room, away from prying eyes, I let myself fall to the ground. I lay on the floor, silent tears slipping down my cheeks as I hold my side tightly. I lift up my shirt, pressing my side and wincing at the contact. I force my whole hand to press on my side, attempting to make my mind realize that I sustained no injury, but to no avail. I fight the urge to grab my cane and begin breaking things out of anger.

•   •   •

The pain has faded, but it's insistent, a sharp pain shooting though me at any time I twist, and a smaller pain whenever I breathe.

I've been lucky this time, when I was cut in half I couldn't breathe or walk properly for weeks.

Naturally, I suppose transferring myself though memories must be taxing on my own body somehow. But I've never exactly seen the damage so it's hard for me to believe.

I hear a knock at my door as I feel along my side to get a sense for the severity and size of the pain. "Enter." I hiss as I tap a sensitive part of the wound. "Miss Aylin..." Sebastian trails off as he enters. "Lunch has been prepared." Sebastian informs me, his voice curious as I feel my abdomen. "Is there a visible mark?" I ask, continuing to prod at myself. "Yes, a large bruise that spreads from your side to your belly button." Sebastian answers. A scowl appears on my face once again, "I don't have time for shit like this." I grumble, pulling my shirt down and sliding off the bed, guiding myself to the door before grabbing Sebastian's sleeve and allowing his to show me to lunch.

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