stitches .

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I've gotten stitches because I am stupid. the reasoning behind me getting stitches, is just plain stupid.

I was 5 years old, and my older sister was chasing me down the sidewalk. but, yknow, I'm stupid. so I was running backwards.

When I went to turn around, there was a hole in the sidewalk and my shoe got caught in it. after falling and screaming and crying for what seemed like forever - which was only a couple seconds - my step father rushed me to the emergency room .

they wrapped a bandage around my head and I was forced to wait for 2 hours because I could be called back .

during my waiting time, my mother was crying her eyes out, my sister was laughing at me, my "new friend" played blocks with me, and my step father was No where to be found.

when I was called back into the emergency room, my mom came with me. a couple minutes later, my brother - who lived 3 hours away - walked into the room and held my hand.

I can't say I was shocked, because I'm used to seeing him around .. but I guess him driving 3 hours was a lot just to come comfort me - which it was.

the doctor didn't even numb my forehead while he gave me stitches. so I was sitting there screaming and yelling while he shoved a needle through my forehead.

I got 7 stitches and after that, I was carried to the car. yep, best year of my life.

have you ever had stitches or staples?

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