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I was checking on my daughter, Elliana, when I heard a car pull up. That must be Lionell, it's about that time I suppose. I quickly stood up making sure everything was in perfect order as Lionell liked it to be.
As I was looking around in our small home, I admired what I had done this morning.
I had moved our kitchen table out of the corner of the dining room and into a more centered spot that made the room look larger and more comfortable, even though the table was really only used on special occasions. The small love seat had been moved from one side of the room to the corner at an angle since the room was so bare, it made it look more used instead of being so empty. The rocking chair that previously was in Ell's small room had been moved into the living room by the book shelf. It was much more comfortable and simple there to me when I rocked Ell to sleep or read.
I smiled as I felt everything was in place now. I was at ease thinking that Lionell would like the look of the house this way better than what it was before - cluttered in some places, bare in others. Now it looked homey and happier, like the type of life I would have loved to lead.
I heard the car door slam shut and someone cursing. Shit. He must have had a bad day at work yet again. I was worried at this point. I quickly checked to make sure all the dishes were out of the sink and put away, which they were, before he had more reason to be upset with me and any excuse to yell.
Lionell, Lio for short, worked usually until late nights. It was nearly always after 11 P.M. when he finally would return home. Being so, he would eat dinner at work instead of at home so I never had to worry about preparing him food when he returned home after a work day.
I heard keys slide into the lock and shift as the doorknob jiggled and opened to a 6'3" man with brown eyes, bleached blonde hair. His skin was a milky chocolate color. You could see every scar that ever made its way to his slim figure. You could tell by one glance to his face he was angry, which was never good with him.
"Lio, baby, welcome home. Let me take your jacket," I immediately insisted, motioning towards his leather coat he had been wearing most of this cold winter. He loves this coat. He had gotten it as a gift and he wouldn't let it go. He did not say anything so I went to him, starting to help pull off the coat when he decided to speak.
"I am an adult now, Cierra. Believe it or not, I think I can take my own jacket off. Leave me be!" He hissed, making me jump back. I immediately apologized and backed away more to give him space.
"Why the hell do I even bother coming home? I have a useless girlfriend. I mean look around! You can't even keep the house clean. Must I do everything myself?!" He yelled as he slung his coat on the back of a chair and reorganized everything I had just finished moving earlier today.
"I am so sorry but please, don't yell. Elliana is sleeping, Lio."
"I will yell if I bloody well please! There is no excuse for the house to be in such a disastrous mess when I work all damn day and you do nothing but sit on your ass all day with that damn baby!" He screamed at me.
"I'm sorry, I thought it looked better this way, dear." I insisted waiting to hear my 10 month old cry. She was still asleep, surprisingly. I was most certainly thankful for that because she had been teething all day and had a very hard time getting to sleep earlier.
"Like this? Messy and disgusting? Ha!"
"I'm sorry Lio, please." I began to cry, upset by his attitude. I was really hoping he wouldn't be like this today.
The next thing I knew, I felt something around my throat. I immediately grabbed at it realizing it was his hand. He was choking me. It wasn't his first time doing this. It certainly would not be the last either, as I would likely upset him again somehow.
I felt myself gasping for air trying to get myself out of his grasp. I was beginning to get dizzy and everything was turning fuzzy. I kept attempting to breathe in but I couldn't take in any air.
"Shut up, you stupid bitch," he said as his grip tightened around my throat. I couldn't see anything anymore. Could just barely hear him call me a stupid whore, letting me go and my body falling to the ground.

I tried to slam the snooze on the alarm clock, stop the beeping. It wouldn't stop.
"You'd really ought to not flail your arms around like that, might rip the IV out." IV?
I squinted my eyes open to see a newly painted mural on the off-white walls along with some white boards with some scribbles on some of them. I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the lighting. When they finally adjusted, I looked around to find I was in a hospital. I seen a hospital bassinet, I'm assuming for Elliana, and some other miscellaneous items. I then found that the source of the beeping was attached to an IV drip.
I looked to my left to find a young man sitting on a chair between my bed and the couch in the room. He had curly black hair. Dark green eyes staring at me with a frown on his face.
"In case you may have forgotten, since it has been a little while since we've seen each other, I'm Aliyah's brother, Henry. She had asked me to check in on you because you hadn't texted her back for hours. You were on the ground, bleeding in your home. I brought you in, and brought Elliana with until someone could watch her. Aliyah has her now, they went to the store to get some food for Ell. Should be back in about half an hour."
I opened my mouth to try to talk, but nothing came out.
"I wouldn't bother with all of that. Doctors said that basically your voice box was cut off when you were choked but it'll come back with time. Just try taking everything slowly. I'm going to go grab a nurse. Please don't try to move too much or you will just end up more hurt too quickly." He stood up and walked to the door.
"Also, I know who did this to you and we can talk about that later, but you need to promise me that you will do your best to get better for the time being. Don't worry about him. Don't think about him. We will keep you safe." He finished before leaving to get a nurse. I was shocked but I guess I really should not be. After all, he was my best friend's brother, my only friend actually at that. I leaned back down, off of my arm, and just laid there until he returned with a nurse.
About five or so minutes later, Henry had brought back a nurse named Alex. She explained everything that was wrong and that I'm looking at being in here at least for a week. She then continued to check my vitals and explain if I needed anything to push the button and they would send a nurse to help. She also gave me a mini white board that was sitting next to my bed on an end table and a marker to write on it with. She told me if I needed anything to write it on here for them.
I tried to write thank you, but my hands were too shaky. The nurse frowned and swooped up the board and started writing on it for me. She had written a few different words such as yes, no, a scale 1-10, and a few different medications.
"Alright this might be easier, instead of trying to have you write, I've written some things and you just point when you need something. Sound good, dear?"
I pointed to yes and she laughed.
"Exactly. Now I'll be back in a few hours. Only your two friends and daughter have been here so far, but we will ask before sending anyone else in for your sake."
I shook my head and she left. I heard a sigh to my left again. Crap, I forgot he was still here. I looked over to him. He was looking down at his phone, disappointment was spread across his face like seagulls on a beach. I was curious what the reason of his disappointment was. I stared at him for a while. Eventually, he looked up at me.
"Sorry, Ali said she was stuck in traffic and was going to be a while still. She was supposed to be bringing food. Haven't eaten since sometime last... Anyways, sorry. You should get back to sleep. Rest while you can. I'll keep an eye on you. Won't let anyone in until you're back awake. Also, I have your phone charging. You've got a few texts from your mom and your sister. I did also call your work to let them know you're in the hospital and would not be back for a few weeks. They said take care and they'll help with the paperwork when you're up for it."
I felt myself start to fade out and my eyes get droopy. Henry walked over to me, leaned down, and kissed me on the forehead. "Sleep tight, Cici."

A/N ~ Tell me what you think and if you've got any suggestions. I wasn't sure how to start this but I'm hoping you all like it.
Thank you.
- :)

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