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I heard a long buzz come from my pocket, signalling a text to my phone. I sighed, looked back down at the glass and chugged the rest of the beer before bothering to take out my phone.
Hey, it's Ali. Could you check on Cierra for me? She hasn't been answering the phone in hours and I can't leave work right now. You got the address right? And it's the little white house, a little into the woods after the blue house. Thanks bro! Xoxo
1:07 A.M.
I texted back a simple yeah as I paid the bartender and stood up, stretching my arms a little.
I made my way out of the packed bar and to my black Ford Focus. It was brand new, but a few scratches, even though it was 5 years old. I love my car. It has black interior to match the black paint on the outside. I had a pair of fuzzy dice hanging off of the rearview mirror and a tassel from my graduation year, three years ago.
I smiled smugly as I opened the driver's side door and hopped in to sit on the comfortable seat, exactly in the position I always liked it. I slid the key into the ignition and turned, letting the engine roar to life. I sat for just a few extra moments, checking my pockets to make sure I did not lose my wallet or house keys. I then began the half an hour drive out to Cici's house from the Old Moon Bar and Grill.
As I was driving, I noticed a familiar red Chevy Impala headed the opposite way from me. I recognized the driver as an extremely angry Lionell Smith, ex-coworker, boyfriend of Cierra. He looked as though he had a bit of blood on his hands which immediately had me worried. I'll give him a call later to see what happened to him. I decided. He was a good friend to me after all. Always made sure that I had anything I needed when we were working together. He had moved up, though, and I moved on to another job that better suited my idea for a career.
About ten minutes later, I arrived at the home to see that a lot of the lights inside were on. I parked in the driveway next to Cierra's Ford Fusion. It was the same year as my car and no damage to it. You could tell she loved her car. It was always clean and there were no visible scratches. The interior was almost as clean as the exterior, minus a few diapers and container of baby wipes along with some child's toys.
I made my way up the driveway and to the house. I didn't know Cierra too well, but I've seen her at the house and chatted a few times with her while she waited for Aliyah to come home. She was a very kind girl, very timid and shy as well.
I knocked loudly on the door a few times and then waited for a response. On the other side, I heard a very muffled cry which sounded as though it were from an infant. That must be Elliana crying. I waited a few more moments before reaching for the door knob. I twisted it to find it unlocked and pushed the door open.
Immediately I noticed that the home was a mess. It looked like someone had maybe attempted to rob the place? I was not too sure. As I stood, wide eyed in the doorway, scouring my eyes through the mess, I noticed a limp body lying on the ground. I gasped and ran over to them.
As I removed stray items from on top of the body I realized this blonde haired figure was Cici. I rolled her over and picked her up bridal style. I noticed a hand print around her throat and that her breathing was shallow. She had blood running out of her nose and there was a stain on the carpet where she had been laying of blood. Her face was swollen and looked like her jaw maybe was broken. I laid her on the couch and called my sister. The phone rang twice before she answered.
"Hey this has to be quick, what's up?"
"Its Cierra, she's knocked out. I'm going to get the baby and take them both to the hospital. She's hurt bad, sis. I know she's your best friend so I thought I should tell you."
The other line was silent for a moment and then she spoke again. "I'm  going to go tell my boss what's up and I'll meet you at the hospital. Thank you for this Henry," Then a beep signalling she had hung up. I went into the baby's room to find a crying, ten month old. I quickly picked her up, grabbed her diaper bag where there was always extra bottles, formula, food, and diapers. I then proceeded to take the baby out to Cierra's car to put her in the car seat which I transferred to my own car. After that, I rushed back inside to Cierra and picked her up again bridal style and brought her to my car. I set her carefully in the passenger's seat. And put the seatbelt on her. I shut the door quickly and ran back up to the house to shut that door and then back to my car.
I hopped in and started it, leaving hurriedly to rush to the hospital. I sped out of the driveway and onto the open road.
*Buuuzz Buuuzz Buuuzz*
"Hey it's Ali. I'm already here, I let the admissions desk know you were on your way with her. Do you know how long you will be?"
"I just left, maybe ten minutes away. Thank you. I'll need you to watch the baby if you don't mind. I've got her in the car seat and brought the diaper bag. I think she's asleep again right now."
"Yeah for sure. I'll see you in a few minutes then." Beep.
Sigh, at least that's taken care of. If only I knew who did this to her. Poor girl did not deserve this.
I pulled into the emergency area drop off. I parked by the sidewalk and took off my seatbelt along with hers. She was still breathing, shallow but breathing. I opened up my door and jumped out, rushing over to her side. When I opened her door I heard footsteps approaching and my sister's voice.
"Oh my lord, Henry is she alive?!"
"Yes, she's breathing. Shallow but she is not dead. Could you drive the car to the parking lot and get the baby Ali, please?"
"I'm on it. I told admissions you were here, they're going to get you straight back." She replied hopping into the driver's side as I finished pulling out Cierra.
"Thank you."
I kicked the door shut and walked inside, carrying Cici in my arms. The automatic doors opened quickly and I could see doctors pulling a gurney into the waiting room for her. I smiled gratefully and told the nurse at the desk it was Cierra Fredericks and she gave me a nod in appreciation.
"You can lie her here on the bed, do you know any medical history?"
"I can tell you everything I know and my sister, Aliyah, can tell you mostly anything else I can imagine. We are close friends of Cierra's."
"Okay, follow us please. We will allow your sister as well to come back."
"Thank you."

About fifteen minutes passed after we entered the exam room and doctors and nurses fluttered about their routine and checking her vitals as well as inserting an IV into her right arm. They confirmed her jaw to be broken as well as something wrong with her vocal chords from being choked.
I heard muffled voices and then the door open. In walked Aliyah with little Elliana in her arms asleep. I seen a bag falling off her shoulder, the diaper bag of course.
"She looks terrible. All that blood on your shirt is hers?"
I looked down at my shirt in confusion. I did not realize it had been soaked in blood. I guess I did not realize she had been bleeding quite so much. My sister had walked over and sat down beside me, setting the bag on the ground between us.
"Um yeah, I guess it is. Shit I hadn't realized she was bleeding that bad."
"Here, I have an extra shirt in my purse. Go change." She insisted handing me her purse and pointing to the way of the bathroom.
"Alright thanks again."
I walked out and towards the bathroom with the purse. I found it and locked myself in, taking off my shirt swiftly. I opened her purse and searched for the shirt. I found her phone and took it out, curious to see if she had told anyone else yet. I opened her messages and immediately they pulled up with Cierra's. I scrolled up to before the worried texts and seen some pictures of her home cleaned beautifully with a message attached, Maybe tonight will be a good night when he comes home. Baby's already asleep and the house is clean and reorganized. Hoping no arguments tonight. <3 <3 <3
9:08 P.M.

Honey, you really need to leave him for yours as well as the baby's sake. He could really hurt you, ya know?
11:07 P.M.

Wait, what does she mean leave him? Hurt her? What? Confused, I searched further back into the messages and seen more pictures. These ones were of Cierra, though. A large bruise on her thigh with the message attached, I really thought it was over after last time...
April 18th, 2016

Frustrated, I closed out of the messages and put the phone back into her purse, searching again for the shirt I found a moment later. Thankfully it was just a black crew neck. I threw it over my head and grabbed my bloody t-shirt and the purse, then making my way back to the room we were in. The doctors were still running around the room, one of the nurses were standing by my sister asking her question after question about Cierra's previous health issues and any other concerns.
I walked to the couch and sat down, handing my sister her purse and immediately pulling out my phone texting her saying we needed to talk.
"Okay, she does not need surgery but we are moving her into another room and checking her in for inpatient care. If you would just follow us, please..."
I grabbed the diaper bag and purse so Aliyah could just keep her focus on the baby. We walked for a little while through multiple hallways and into another part of the hospital. Finally, they pushed the gurney into room 107 and we followed. They had the nurse and doctor in the area check in with us and put Cierra on pain medications through the IV drip. The nurse also brought in an extra hospital bassinet for Ell.
The doctors left and went about their business, saying they would check in in a few hours. Once they had all dispersed, I cleared my throat to get my sister's attention.
In a hushed voice, I asked, "So how long have you known?" Referring to the abusive relationship between Lionell and Cierra.
"Honestly? Two years. One night she had texted me begging me to let her stay a night or two. I said she could and she immediately rushed over here. Within twenty minutes she had arrived with a red mark on her face. He had slapped her, she told me. I brought her inside and into my room. I got her some hot tea and we talked for hours. She told me that they had been arguing a lot lately. He came to see her, to argue more about something that she had seen on his phone and he got mad and slapped her. She begged me not to tell anyone, and showed me another bruise on her stomach where he had hit her a week before this. I pleaded with her to leave him, but she was terrified she'd get hurt more if she tried." My sister confessed. I stared in awe at her for a moment and then closed my eyes and asked what I had to.
"Has he been raping her, too?" There was no response for a moment and so I opened my eyes to look at Aliyah. She started sobbing. Somehow, I figured that he had been along with the physical and mental assault to Cierra. I sighed and leaned over to my sister being careful to not smother Elliana, and hugged her gently while she cried into my shoulder.
This has to end. Immediately.

A/N ~ Hey, I felt the urge to write more so here's from Henry's point of view how the night went. Please let me know your thoughts and if there's anything you'd like to suggest, feel free. Thank you.
- :)

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