Chapter 2 - Louis

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Hyperventilating had to be an understatement.

It had to be.

Louis had even googled the symptoms.
Dizziness? Check.
Lightheadedness? Check.
Shortness of breath? Weak? Tingling feelings in the hands? Check, check, and check.

As Louis stared at the comment made by Harry for the billionth time, he felt like all of the above and more. It had been three days and Louis still couldn't function. His lovely little dedicated followers all knew of Louis' obsession with the chill Cali boy, and poked fun that they would get married and have millions of babies, but he never thought anything remotely close  would happen. He especially didn't think Harry would ever notice him, much less comment that he shipped them together.
The thought made Louis' heart flutter and his fingers shook lightly as he used both hands to take a screenshot of his comments again.

Shift. Command. Three.

Louis sat atop his giant white fluffy comforter, his legs crossed and his MacBook warming his thighs slightly through the thin material of his sweatpants. It was chilly all throughout his modern home, leaving Louis to dress up in giant sweaters and cozy socks, a giant mug of hot coca sitting close by on his bedside table.
He clicked around his computer until he pulled up his photos folder, noting that all 129 screenshots of Harry's comment were indeed, very much real.
In the days after the "Sacred Comment," as Louis' best friend Sadie called it, Harry had also followed Louis on Twitter and Instagram, liking a few of his photos and favoriting some of his tweets.
It was all too surreal for Louis, and he'd resorted to pinching himself every minute.
"Ow fuck." Louis mumbled, staring at the hickey like marks all along his thin wrists.
His phone buzzed next to him, a blue text bubble appearing over his lock screen of, you guessed it, Harry Styles.

Sadie :)
"Stop staring at your computer like a dork and fucking DM him already you twat. Love you x "

Louis felt his eyes would physically roll out of his head. Sadie had been pestering him since he called her an screamed into the phone when he opened his YouTube account and it read "harrystylesmustbebananas subscribed."
"He must like you. Why else would he follow you on every social media site after you proclaimed your dying love for him." She had said dramatically, clutching at her chest and falling back onto his bed.
Louis' eyes rolled again at the thought. Louis was going to go on a long limb here, but he only assumed Harry thought he was cute enough to follow. Nothing more, nothing less.
Louis was sure Harry had tons of beautiful tan Americans girls, flaunting around in front of him.
He'd even seen it when Harry did the challenge all the cute YouTube boys were doing, of going around asking random cute girls to kiss them and seeing who could get the most.
Every girl Harry asked, kissed him without hesitation. He'd been walking around the beautiful California beach in only a black snapback and bright yellow swim shorts that, Louis was sure, only he could pull off. He went around with his infamous ray bans on and found whatever girl he found fit and asked them all to kiss, some even jumping up to press their lips together before Harry could even finish asking. He would hover over them, or tap them politely on their shoulder before opening up with the cheesiest pick up line and then asking them.
He would mumble something like, "Hey did you fall from heaven because kiss me?" or "Are you a beaver because damn girl i want a kiss."  He looked so awkward doing it, that Louis couldn't even be jealous of all the pretty tan girls, with all the long silky looking hair and pretty white smiles, similar to Harry's. But he did imagine himself in Harry's arms, admiring the way he'd pull the girls close by the small of their back and tilting his head to show off his taunt jaw. 

Louis cringed at the thought of his horridly pale skin against Harry's sun kissed color. It wasn't his fault he lived in a place that got more rain than sun, and it certainly wasn't his fault that he didn't have enough money to go on holiday because he was saving up for Vidcon.
Which was taking place in California this year.
And where Louis dreamed of meeting Harry.
And now that Harry had noticed him, things actually felt like they were falling in place.

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