text 8 g.d

668 15 0

hey do you have the homework?

um yeah! you want it?

yeah do you mind?

not at all gray! *attachment sent*

aw thank you so much laura, don't know what i'd do without you, baby!

baby? okay chill best friend lol.

oh come on laura don't take it so seriously.

i'm not it's just you're my best friend and it's weird.

it's only weird if you make it weird, and i get it i'm miles deep stuck in the friend zone!

oh gray, i just don't want to ruin what we have. i like you, i do. but i want a lifetime friendship with you than a relationship that can end at any given moment and lose you.

dang laura, i didn't know that, thanks i guess

so you like me back?

i really do.

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