Chapter 1: Pilot

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    "Ha!" I chuckle as I read 'Bajancanadian was slain by Derpy_Dinosaur'
    "AVENGE ME, BIGGUMS!" Yells Mitch as I pretend to cry.  All of the sudden, someone comes up from behind and one-hits me with their diamond sword. 
    "GOD DAMMIT!" I scream and slam my fist on top of the desk.  A jolt of pain shoots up my arm but I don't yell or even flinch, the pain is natural to me; I'm used to it.
    I hear loud murmurs coming from downstairs.  My parents were yelling again...  I'm just glad Mitch won't be able to understand them.

"It's your fault he's like this!" yelled my mother.

"Well it us your fault we kept him!  The whole 'he's just going through a phase' excuse!  He's a waste of space!" replied my father.

"You don't think I know that?"

    I ignored them, I had major déjà vu.  They had the same conversation yesterday. And the day before, and the day before that, and before that, and before that too.  Every single day they have the same fight.

    "Dood, what are your parents yelling about?" asked curious Mitch.

    "THEIR YELLING ABOUT BETTY!" I yell.  We both laugh so hard our stomachs aches.  I fall over on the ground still laughing and it was beginning to be hard to breath.  Once I calmed down I say goodbye.  I shut down my computer and grabbed the book from under my pillow.

    I lock myself in the bathroom and open up the book.  Page after page was a word written repeatedly on each line, Worthless.  I opened to the next page and grabbed the pocket knife I hid under the sink.  I pressed lightly on my wrist and watched the claret liquid drip onto the page.






"JEROME! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" yelled my father from down the stairs.  I sighed and washed my wrist off.  I watched as the pale red water drained down the sink.  As I was walking out the door, everything when blurry.  My balance was off and I tumbled to the floor.  Everything went black...

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