"I'll see you on the other side"

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Eliza's POV

"Mrs. Hamilton!" Nathaniel Pendleton barged into our home. I shot him a glare, knowing that the children were still asleep at this time.

"Mr. Pendleton!" I warned "The children are asleep. What is so important that you need to barge in here at this hour?!"

His breaths came out as pants as if he had been running for miles, his eyes were full of panic, he looked as though he fought in a war.

"It's about Hamilton!"

I stopped what I was doing. I placed the teapot down and looked at him as calmly as I could, even if at that moment, my world was falling apart.

"What- what about him?" I asked nervously. Alexander left the house early this morning for a 'meeting', so I immediatly assumed that he would be fine. Argh, I know him better than this! Why did I let him leave?

He put his hands on my shoulders, staring me dead in the eye, making all the panic in his eyes more evident.

"He was shot."

I pushed his hands off of me and looked at him in disbelief. I didn't want to believe it, but somehow, I knew it was true.

"Where is he?"

"He's at your sister's home with the doctor." He replied "You must hurry, Mrs. Hamilton. There isn't much time!"

"Please, stay with the children." I said as I left the house, not even waiting for a response.

I ran to Angelica's house as fast as I could. It was dawn, it was cold, and I was in my night gown, but that didn't matter one bit. What mattered was finding my Alexander.

I bursted into Angelica's house. She sat on her sofa with her head in her hands, but she looked up at me once she heard the door slam.

"Eliza!" She said as she got up and ran over to me.

"Angelica!" I said, tears welling in my eyes as my sister hugged me tightly

"Hurry, dear sister." She let go of me quickly "He's been waiting for you."

She gestured to one room, I nodded before walking over there. My hands were shaky, I looked like a mess. But did that matter to me? No. It didn't. What mattered was finding my husband.

"Alexander!" I said rather loudly. He laid there with a turniquet wrapped around his entire abdomen. His eyes were closed, making me afraid that he had died earlier on, but then, much to my relief, he opened them weakly.

He smiled at me ever so slightly as he beckoned me towards him. It didn't take me a second thought before I ran by his side.

"Alexander!" I cried

"Eliza, my love." He took my hands in his, gently caressing one of them with the pad of his thumb "I'm afraid to tell you this, my beloved, but I think this is the last time I'll be able to talk to you."

I shook my head at him

"No, Alexander!" I said scoldingly, but the tears got the better of me, making me sound like even more of a mess "Don't talk like that! You'll survive this. I'll make sure you will."

"N-no, Eliza. The end is near for me." He brought his hands to my cheeks "I'm sorry I didn't give you a better life, Eliza."

"Shhhh...." I cooed, putting my hands over his "That doesn't matter now."

"You didn't deserve everything I put you through." He kept talking, as if he didn't hear me. "Yet you still stuck by me."

He wiped away the tears that rolled down my cheeks, his touch was no longer like it was before. His hands were now cold, but still the same gentleness stayed.

"You loved me," He said as he tucked strands of hair behind my ear "You cared for me," His eyes still glistened, even as he laid there now. Weaker than ever. But his eyes.... they never changed. "You waited for me.... you even forgave me when I didn't deserve your forgiveness."

"I will always, always be there, Alexander." I whispered, clutching his hand like I did when it was Philip. "Please, just stay alive for me."

"I didn't know how lucky I was to have you." He ignored me again. His eyes started watering, causing him to stop talking for a little bit and shake his head. He took his hands off of my face to wipe away his own tears "I-I'm sorry... for everything I put you through. Through the heartbreaks and sorrow, through the losses, through everything."

"Shhhhh....." I comforted him softly. I inched closer to him, taking his hands, and holding them tight. "My love, I forgive you. I forgave you years ago, Alexander."

He smiled at me weakly, his eyes grew tired as his voice became softer.

"That's enough for me, then."

He coughed a little before speaking again

"Please tell the children that I'm sorry I couldn't stick around any longer."

His breathing visibly slowed down. His grip on my hands weakened, and his face grew even more pale.

At that moment, time stood still. I knew exactly what was happening, but there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"A-Alexander?" I whispered, my eyes going wide. I felt anxiety grow within me, fear surged through my body and completely kept me frozen.

"Eliza," He leaned towards me. In a snap, my eyes met his. "My love, take your time."

I nodded, at a loss of words, tears were running down my cheeks once again.

"I'll see you on the other side." He whispered, finally closing his eyes. His entire body finally relaxed. He no longer moved.

I was completely paralyzed. My world just fell apart. Shakily, I touched his face gently, still holding the hope that he was still there.

"Alexander?" I whispered. But he didn't move. He didn't even flinch. "Alexander!"

I held him tight one last time as his final words to me echoed in my mind

"I'll see you on the other side."

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