Chapter Thirty-Four - The Betrayal

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Chapter 34 – The Betrayal

"When I get out of here, I swear I will cut off your family jewels, roast it, and feed it to the bears." A throbbing pain hit the side of my head as those beautiful words slipped into my ears. I resisted the urge to groan, sensing that something wasn't right, and it wasn't Callie's furious voice that tipped me off.

The memories suddenly hit me, reminding me that I was supposed to be in the stinky bathroom behind the gym. Then, I remembered the flash of the dark shadow.

I'd been kidnapped.

The realization wasn't quite as startling as it should have been. Maybe it comforted me that Callie was here, too. But a deeper part of me assured with a startling confidence that I had nothing to worry about because I knew Ian would save me before I even opened my eyes to see where I was.

"Look who's finally waking up." A very familiar voice spoke up. I peeled my eyes open to see who my kidnapper was, even though, really, I should have already known. "For a mate to an Alpha, you should have woken up twenty minutes ago. I had to tolerate the company of your lovely friend all on my own."

"Why did you do this?" I spat at Michael, not knowing how I'd managed to make an enemy who hated me enough to kidnap me.

"I already asked him. According to him, it was for the greater good." Callie interrupted. She rolled her eyes, not seeming afraid, just incredibly irritated.

"The greater good of what?" I asked, not quite understanding. The soreness of my head was still prominent, and I suspected that maybe I had a concussion. I frowned at the thought of that. It didn't seem like a pleasant thing.

"The greater good of the pack, of course!" Michael snapped like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He marched across the room coming to a stop in front of me. "You don't know anything, do you?" He stared down at me, literally breathing into my face. I tried not to look disgusted. "Your precious mate doesn't deserve to be Alpha. I don't know what's gotten into the pack. He's unfit. Just because he's found a mate doesn't make him a good person to hand the pack over to. And what a mate he has! A human! How can anyone possibly think that a human can be a good Luna?"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Callie interrupted again, gathering Michael's attention. He snarled at her, clearly irritated, and I suspected that this had been going on for a while before I woke up. "No matter what you do, Ian will be Alpha and Eira will be the Luna of this pack. When my brothers find us, you are so dead."

Michael laughed. "None of your brothers frighten me." He laughed. "I have Beta blood in me. The moon goddess rests her hand on my head. She knows I'm doing the right thing. I will make Ian go through the same pain he made my sister go through of losing a mate and then I will make him suffer the pain of losing a sister, as I have. I will free this pack from the misfortune it will have to face if I let your precious brother become Alpha."

For once, it seemed like Callie had nothing to say, and I couldn't blame her, because I was quiet speechless myself. "Y-You're going to kill us?" I managed to sputter out with wide eyes. I felt like an idiot for asking it and like an even bigger idiot for not realizing it sooner.

"You should have just left when I spoke to you the first time. That's why I came to you. I wanted you to leave and hurt him that way. It would have made things easier, but you were too weak. One apology from him and you crawled back into his arms like the desperate little girl you are. You do realize that, don't you? But what's in the past is over. There's no point in thinking about that, now. We must think about the future. Oh wait! You're going to die. If you won't leave willingly, then I guess I'm just going to force it out of you."

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