My Vampire Love

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A/N Hello, i'm new to wattpad and I found out that not only can you read but you can create stories. So, I decided to write one and well, I hope you enjoy :)





I groaned as I opened my eyes. I got the alarm clock and threw it across the room. It did not break, but it did shut up. It’s Friday and I have to wake up to go to the hellhole you call school. “Shoot!” I murmured as I rubbed my eyes and rolled off my bed. For some strange reason, I looked myself in the mirror. I saw me (of course.) I saw the horrible me. The kid who has not too long black hair, clear hazel eyes, super pale white skin and of course the worst part of all is that… Well, I’m a vampire. Yes you heard me well. I’m a vampire. I’m a monster. I always hated that about myself. I have to feed of blood. I just hate the fact that I have to kill for blood. I’m not worth living. Well at least not to me. Let me formerly introduce myself: My name is Max, Max Taylor. I live in Brooklyn New York. I live in a pretty tall white building, five floors and all. I live with my mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. The owner of this apartment is an old lady around her 70’s named Mrs. Jackson. She’s a very nice lady but sometimes a beast when she’s angry.  “MAX hurry up! You are going to be late for school!” My mom yelled at me. “SHOOT!” Like always, I’m going to be late. I grabbed my, My Chemical Romance shirt, my black skinny jeans, and of course my favorite misfits jacket. I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen to find my mom drinking coffee and eating some pancakes. “Good morning honey.” My mom said in the calmest way possible. “Good morning mom.” I said bored. “Are you going to eat breakfast?” “No. I’m not that hungry.” My mom sighed but took it anyways. “Ok. Take care, pay atten-““Yeah, yeah pay attention and participate in every class!” “I know mom.” I smiled my evil smile and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “See you later.” I said. Before my mom could respond, I opened the door and went out. I climbed down the stairs, and god I just hate how the stairs does a creaking sound as I step on them. I live at the very top of the building, so there is five set of stairs to climb down. I plugged in my headphones and, Boulevard of broken dreams started to play by Green Day. As I exited the building, I could already feel the air hitting my face. It’s the beginning of October. It’s not that cold but it’s a little chilly. Unfortunately since I’m a monster, I can’t really feel the cold, but when it’s hot, my sweat turns into tears. Since I go to high school, the school is a little far. In that case, I have to take the train. I walked the lonely streets and felt bittersweet as the air was hitting my face and was making my not too long black greasy hair fly back. I love the way the trees are bare and the way it sounds when I step on crunchy leaves. I put my hands in my pocket and walked a little faster since it was getting late. I arrived at the subway and pay my train ticket to get to school. It’s not always safe to be around the subway because since you always have to wait for the train, criminals take advantage of that and steals what you got. There was a time when male teenagers would beat up female teenagers for some strange reason and leave them half dead. I never really enjoyed watching or hear that. Since I hated watching the male teenagers do that, I end up following them and feed off their blood. I know I said that I hate to kill for blood, but when it comes to criminals, I enjoy it. After all, I’m getting used to the fact that I’m a monster. Sometimes there are cases in where I’m walking down the streets like any other human and then there is a person walking down in a hurry due to the fact that they are bleeding because they just got beat up. Their blood would be so tempting because I could smell it, but like always, I keep a hold of myself and get as far as possible I could get. My train finally arrived and I climbed in. Since it was morning, the train wasn’t crowded, but it wasn’t empty either. There were a lot of people from my school. They didn’t pay attention to me, and I didn’t pay attention to them. I sat at the very end of the section of the train and started listening to my music. The song was Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance. I just love that song. It’s a very dark song indeed, but it’s beautiful. I always act like human because I don’t want anyone to know what I am. I get bullied ok? Every time I enter school, my bullies: Robert, Danny, Kevin and Jacob, would be already waiting for me to beat the living crap out of me. I hate them with a burning passion. Sometimes, I crave for their blood. I always keep a hold of myself, because I really don’t want anyone to know my identity until the time is ready, and it’s not any time soon. I will seek revenge from my bullies. I will then stop craving for their blood. I know I sound kind of creepy by saying this, but it’s true. My stop finally came and I exited the train. I got out of the subway, and walked a few blocks to school. By now my favorite song was over so I put away my phone into my backpack and locked it pretty well. I entered the school and like always, Robert and his dumb friends were already waiting for me.  “Hey! What’s up fag?!” Yelled Robert. “I’m not here for your dumbness Robert.”  I said in a bored tone. “Oh yeah?! We’ll see about that idiot.” With that, all three of them, came towards me and started beating the living crap out of me. (Like always.) Robert grabbed me from my shirt and threw me on the floor to then be punching me in the stomach. Kevin started kicking the other side of my stomach and finally, Jacob was punching me in the face a couple times. Finally after three minutes of punching and kicking me, they all let me go. All three of them stood up and spit at me. “Better watch out what you say next time.” Jacob said. Everyone left and I was left alone. “Don’t worry. You’ll pay soon.” I whispered. I lay on the ground bleeding and trying to calm myself down because I was so furious and I tried so hard not to growl for the next fifteen minutes to be exact. As soon as I finally calmed down a bit, I got up and entered the hellhole. My first class is History with Mr. Wrentz. Before entering “school”, I made sure that there wasn’t a single drop of blood on me. I swear one day I’ll lose it for sure. I finally entered the school and as soon as I entered, the bell rang. History class ended and I went to art. I’m not that good at art but I’m not that bad either. “Ok class, today I want you to draw nature. Draw ME, nature. Whatever type from forest, to plants, animals or even trees, I don’t care as long as it’s nature.” Mr. Rodriguez said. I sat on my chair just thinking on what I should draw about nature for ten minutes to be exact. Finally, I made up my mind and ended up drawing plants. I drew various different plants and some animals like: tiger’s, lions, hoarse, bunnies, deer’s and ducks. I made the scene a little dark and since I love it when it rains, I drew rain. 

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