1. Full name:
2. Zodiac sign:
3. Three fears:
Being abandoned, rejected, or hated
4. Three things I love:
My girlfriend <3, my bird, sailor moon
5. My best friend:
Gf is definitely my best friend, but maggie as well :)
6. Last song I listened to:
Maniac, Conan Gray
7. Four turn ons:
A geniunely kind heart! Confidence! Humor!
8. Four turn offs:
m e n
9. What color underwear am I wearing right now:
The world may never know
10. How many tatoos or piercings do I have:
just one, but i'd love to get more
11. The reason I joined Wattpad:
all my friends were on it and convinced me to as well
12.How I feel right now:
manic haha
13. Something I really, really want:
To live in a cottage in the woods with my girlfriend and own a small farm and a small garden
14. My current relationship status:
15. Meaning behind my name:
My grandma's name, but with an A at the end :|
16. My favorite movie:
17. My favorite song:
Wine red by the hush sound
18. My favorite band:
KK slider from animal crossing :)
19. Three things that upset me:
Bruh everything upsets me moe
20. Three things that make me happy:
Hanging out with my gf, riding my bike, exploring
21. What I find attractive in other people:
A sense of humor and morals!
22. Someone I miss:
ella and emma maybe?
23. Someone I love:
My girlfriend! Maggie! my brother!
24. My relationship with my parents:
Very close with my mom, i am no longer on speaking terms with my dad
25. My favourite hobby:
Hiking, singing alone, art sometimes
26. My closest Wattpad friend:
None of them use it anymore, this is my first time on in 3 years
27. Someone on Wattpad I'd date:
28. A confession:
i dont really keep secrets from many people so
29. Three things that annoy me easily:
multiple people talking at once, loud noises, anything with noise ngl i got sensory issues
30. My favourite animal:
idk bruh,, snakes? possums? feral shit ig
31. My pets:
Mojo my dog, Ringo my cockatiel
32. One thing I've lied about:
mental health haha
33. Something that is currently worrying me:
34. An embarrassing moment:
One time my underwear got stuck in a tree I was climbing and I feel and my underwear held me high in front of my neighborhood. Then my friend stopped by to play and she saw me and started laughing. It goes on but nevermind that.
35. Where I work:
I don't though
36. Something that is constantly on my mind:
My gf
37. Three habits I have:
Nerveous tics, not taking care of myself, and stuttering when I talk too fast.
38. My future goals:
Cottage with the gf!
39. Something I fantasize about:
Cottage with the gf!
40. My favourite store:
bruh amazon
41. My favourite food:
chicken tiki masala
42. What I did yesterday:
online school, hiking
43. Something I'm talented at:
art, colorguard
44. My idea of a perfect date:
anything where we can talk to each other! or spend a lot of time together
45. My celebrity crush:
tuxedo mask is my "straight crush" if that counts
46. Photo of myself:
heres an oldie:
47. My favourite blog:
I don't blog or read blogs
48. Number of kids I want:
Just one or two is fine.
49. Do I smoke or drink:
I don't do either right now but I really hope I don't in the future...
50. (any question you'd like) What is my favourite thing to do in spare time:
call my girlfriend, ride my bike, hike
Kitty why you do dis
General Fictionkitty my pal has tagged me in this thread so according to the laws of the internet I must tag and repost this . Nah jk if you havent already checked out Kitty's account then go check her out she is a brilliant writer!