The Murder Of The Tazmanian Devil.

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We arrive at the morgue and Lestrade had been asked to supervise us. "Look I don't know how you got that information it was in archives. It was a suicide." Lestrade says. "We didn't get to look at the body when it happened so we cant decide that plus, I don think it was suicide, I think it is the pink balloon man." Sherlock says. "Wait that means that you will have to open her stomach." Lestrade says. "Yes this is true." Sherlock says. "Where is John?" Lestrade asks. "He is at home with Rosie." I say. "Can we see the body now?" Sherlock asks. Lestrade goes to get the body and get the tools. Lestrade arrives back with Taz' body and sure enough there was the same scratch at the back of her throat. I step up to the area where I need to cut and I am hesitant to make the cut. Sherlock steps up beside me and looks at me. "You don't have to do this is you don't want to." He says. The scalpel shaking in my hand hovering above her stomach. Sherlock then takes it off me and turns to Lestrade. "Get Molly in here." He says.

Ten minutes later, Molly arrived in her lab coat and her hair tied up. "You said yes then congratulations Molly." I say. "Thank you. I got told I'm opening a stomach." Molly confers. "Yes this one." I say, I then turn around as I cant look at her cutting into my best friend. "What am I looking for?" Molly asks. "A pink balloon." Sherlock says. About ten minutes later Molly pulls out a pink balloon. "There is writing on it." She says. I snatch it from her hands and blow up the balloon. And just as Sherlock and I anticipated there was something written on the balloon. 'THIS ONE WAS JUST FOR FUN! SEE YOU SOON' "Cheyanne I'm..." "It's OK." I say interrupting him. He steps closer to me. "Are you..." "I'm fine Sherlock. I'm perfectly fine. Can you just..." Just what?" He asks. "Why can't you just remember! All I ask you to do is remember, the great Sherlock Holmes who knows that there is 243 different types of cigarette ash can't remember this simple little detail, for god sake Sherlock. OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN EYES!" I say. I then walk out of the room. I walk over to the window just opposite the door I just came out of. I lean against the window sill and I cry. Molly come outside to see if I am OK. "She was my best friend... My best friend." I say with tear in my eyes. "I thought Sherlock was your best friend." She says. "Molly. Dear Molly Hooper, you have to be one of the most patient people I have ever met in my entire life. Because you put up with Sherlock in way that I could never. And that's what I love about you." I say. "I'm really nothing special." She says. "You are Molly Hooper, without you our cases would be so much harder to solve." I say. "Well... Thank you Cheyanne." She says. "It's OK. Can you tell Sherlock I will see him at home?" I ask. "Yeah sure." Molly says. "Thank you." I say. I then turn around and leave the building.

I leave the building with my head down and my fists clenched in my pockets. I walk over to a bus stop and I let loose all of my anger, pain and frustration on the bus sign. There was an old lady and a man about 34 stood at the bus stop and they stared at me as I let loose. When I stop, the man comes over and asks. "Are you OK?" "I'm fine now. Thank you." I reply. I then step out into the road without looking and there was a truck heading in my direction. I stop and the truck slams on the breaks, I don't move and the truck just stops inches away from me. The driver gets out. "Hey what the hell lady!" He shouts. I don't say anything, I just stand there blinking. The man at the bus stop pulled me out of the road. "Do you want me to call a cab for you?" He asks. I snap back into reality. "That would be nice thank you." So the nice man calls a cab for me and I go home.

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