Even though there are only 30+ reads in the prologue, I'm sorry I never updated even just chapter two. My thoughts and ideas got all unorganized and now I have no idea what to write about or what the plot even is. But I decided I should just update a filler chapter until I actually get an idea what to do next. I base this mostly step by step on what happens in the actual book so it's difficult. But I promise I'll do my best though, even if there will only be a few readers. This was my very first book in Wattpad and account. I wasn't very good a few months ago, not that I am now. but a bit better than before. I plan on transferring this book to my new account: @BritishFall. Please follow me :) Actually, I am a Directioner, and I have somewhat fandoms, I am a Divergent and a Tribute ;D
Thank you if you bothered to read this,