Chapter 1.

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Copyright © 2012 AllTimeNutella


Disclaimer thing: the Taylor in this story has no relevance to Taylor Swift whatsoever, I wrote this before the whole Harry + Taylor relationship. 

This story was featured in Shout Magazine, issue 505!

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Scarlett's POV

"Do you actually believe in any of this rubbish?" I asked my sister as she scanned over the magazines in the duty free shop at the airport.

"Just because you don't like any of these celebrities..." She muttered. For a 15 year old she sure has an attitude, to say the least.

"Half of them are famous for doing nothing." I retorted, running my finger along the shelf of books next to the magazine stand.

"Really? So Justin Bieber is famous for doing nothing?" She asked, turning to face me and raising her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes in response and continued to look for a book to read. "And what about One Direction?" She protruded.

"Never heard of them." I replied absentmindedly.

"They were on the x-factor."

"Because I watch that." I replied sarcastically.

"I'm going to marry Niall Horan." She grinned.

"That name means nothing to me." I sighed.

"You're oblivious to real music." She retorted and I practically choked on air; did she seriously just say that?

"Excuse me?" I asked sounding disgusted.

"The bands you listen to are awful, too emo." I couldn't help but laugh at her reply; emo? She clearly didn't know what emo meant if she thought the music I listened to was emo.

"When you're not so young and naïve come and talk to me."

"I'm 15." She stated.

"Sure as hell don't act like it." I muttered.

"MUM!" She screamed, causing every other customer in the shop to turn and look at us.

"Nice one." I whispered.

"Scarlett, be nice to your sister." My mum sighed as she joined us.

"But-" I began arguing.

"Can we just have one nice family holiday without any arguing?" She asked, fed up with our behaviours.

"She causes the arguments." I muttered.

"Scarlett, you're 18, start acting like the mature one."

"Whatever." I replied before walking off.

I sat tapping my fingers on the side of the sofa where my dad was as he read over his book. I hadn't found a book to read so I had to settle on re-reading Harry Potter, which I already knew word for word. My fingers traced along the words as my eyes scanned the pages. My mum and sister came to join us and we all huddled onto two sofas.

"What the heck is going on down there?" Laura asked jumping up from her space on the sofa. I didn't bother to look up, keeping my gaze fixed on the book in front of me. Draco was just about to be turned into a ferret, which always made me laugh, no matter how many times I read it. My sister began to run off but my mum was hot on her heels, pulling her back into her seat.

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