Chapter 34.

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Scarlett's POV

My eyes shot open as my heart pounded furiously on my ribcage. Just like before I went for a nap, my palms were once again sweaty. My whole body was shaking and my thoughts were running wild. I had the dream, or should I say nightmare which occurred every couple of months. I'd relive the exact moment where the plane hit the water, my sister and parents disappearing into the abyss and then me, leaving them all behind, only thinking about myself. The severe pain that shot up my neck as I was unwillingly flung out of the seat. I'd never asked Louis whether he got injured, on the island we didn't discuss the plane crash too much. I didn't even take in the realisation that I would never see my family again. I was in complete shock. I may have seemed completely heartless but for some reason I kept thinking if I could survive then so could they, but I was wrong.

I rubbed the dried up tears which had formed during my slumber out of my eyes before sitting up straight. The house, once again, seemed silent. This was starting to become a regular occurrence and I'm not sure if I liked it. It feels lonely, empty, not like a real home at the moment. My breathing was beginning to slowly stagger back to a normal rate, in a couple months' time I would have to relive that dream all over again and it's all my fault, I could do with the plane crash but not the drastic measures it comes with. I took a deep breath in and out as I wiped the beaded sweat off my forehead. My mind jumped back to earlier in the day, or was that all a dream too? I was adamant that girl, that voice, those footsteps belonged to my lost sister; Laura. But why was I the only one who saw or heard them? Louis was right next to me, less than a foot away, how come she didn't exist to him? All the radical thinking was beginning to give me a headache so I took another deep breath before levering myself of the bed. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I just needed a lie down but the little sleep I got in the night was now asking for payback. I stretched my arms and legs out and landed steadily on the carpeted floor. I'm not sure how the floor in this house, which has cream carpets, managed to stay so clean with five boys living in it. My feet shuffled across the floor, accompanied by my tired and aching body, I really needed to practice running, I was like a sloth. I placed my head against the door, there was no noise whatsoever, it didn't sound like anyone was home. Not like I minded, no-one seemed to talk to me anyway, or if they do it's because I'm doing something wrong. I rolled my eyes thinking back to this morning where I ate Taylor's cereal, she really knew how to act like a drama queen, she's got all the boys wrapped around her little finger, possibility even Louis too with the way things are at the moment. To everyone in this damn house I'm seen as the sinner, the devil or at least something similar. I gripped the door handle fiercely, taking whatever anger I had inside out on it but something startled me causing my hand to flinch back. The ominous sound of my phone ringing was blasting from somewhere in the room. I threw back the duvet on the bed and lurched for my phone, hoping it was Louis since he didn't appear to be home and hadn't told me he was going out, I wasn't an overly attached girlfriend but he used to tell me these things. Unfortunately it wasn't his name flashing up on the screen.

"Hey Maria, what's up?" I greeted her, trying to sound like nothing was wrong when I actually felt like curling up in a ball and giving up on life.

"Hey, not much, how are you?" She chimed back.

"Oh you know, good good, the usual, you?" I tried to sound confident in my reply but the wavering in my voice probably didn't help.

"I'm good, still with Louis?"

"Uh yep, still with him."

"Still going strong I see?"

"Of course." My voice was starting to squeak from all the awkward questions, I was starting to sound like a boy going through 'the change'. "So what can I do you for?" I added, trying to divert the subject back to why she rang in the first place.

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