± 1st pres born west of the Mississippi River
± 1st President to give his salary away
± 1st to have telephone in office
o Wife: Lou Henry worked in movements during her husband's years in office, urged women to be involved in all aspects of women rights. She and husband both spoke fluent Chinese. Helped nursed wounded Western diplomats and soldiers, was very educated
o VP: Charles Curtis
o hardworking, incorruptible, self-reliant
o was a Quaker
o The Great Engineer, The Great Humanitarian, The Chief
o lost both of his parents at young age
o earned average to failing grades in every subject except math
o went to Stanford Univ and majored in geology
o worked as a clerk in the registration office to pay his tuition
o worked at a gold mine and then became a mine engineer, then opened mining business
o lived in China during Boxer's Rebellion, a rebellion in China that happened during McKinley's pres.
o assisted in fighting to defend Tianjin
o son Alan had alligators that meandered around the White House
• when WW1 broke out, he was asked to organize the evacuation of 120,000 Americans trapped in Europe
• organized the Committee for the relief of Belgium and raised millions of dollars for food and medicine to help Belgians when Germany invaded it
• was asked to run the US Food Administration
• after WW1 ended, he was appointed to head the European Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
• Wilson relied on him at Versailles Peace Conference as director of the pres.'s Supreme Economic Council
• founded Hoover Library on War, Revolution, and Peace in Stanford which held the records of WW1
• Supported American participation in the League of Nations
• served a secretary of commerce under Harding and Coolidge
• 20th amendment, inaugurated on Jan 20
• Hawkey-Smoot Tariff- a very high tariff that was meant to help the economy but didn't
Ø Veterans Bonus March
Ø Amelia Earhart was the first female to cross the Atlantic solo
Ø banks started failing, Great Depression