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Jungkook's POV

" I had a dream. No!. . More like a nightmare" Halla said while walking beside me

" What was it about??" I asked scooting a little closer to her

" I- I don't really wanna talk about it" She said looking down

" But I thought you wanted to talk" I said

" Maybe tomorrow, I just don't want to talk about it right now. Let's talk about something else" She suggested

" Talk about what?" I asked looking at her

" Like, how did you end up being the milk man?" She said looking back at me

" What?" I asked

" You know, delivering bottles of milk and stuff" She made some funny actions making me giggle

" Aahh, well. . . Let's just talk about that tomorrow too" I giggled when I saw her reaction

" What?! Tell me now!" She whined like a little girl

" I'll tell everything tomorrow" I said then I saw her pout

" So, you and Jimin hyung are friends. Mind telling how that happened" I said

" I am also friends with Hoseok, I trust them both. I would tell my deepest and darkest secrets to them. Jimin will always protect me but I can handle them both, even though they're both stronger obviously" She said smiling

" Don't you have any girl friends?" I asked

" I do, I think. But they only want to be close to me because of my money and because they need something" She smiled bitterly

" Then don't consider them as your friends. Just continue on trusting Jimin and Hoseok hyung" I smiled at her

" Yeah, I'll just stick to that" She said then we walked side by side silently until we reached our school

-S C H O O L-

" Halla!! What are you doing here??" Jimin hyung ran to us while we are standing by Halla's locker

" I don't want to stay in my house" She answered Jimin hyung

" Oh Jungkook, you're here" Jimin turned to me

" Hi" I smiled at him and he smiled back

" Why are you two together??" He asked

" I saw her so I walked with her" I said

" More details please" He said

" Don't be so nosy Jimin, I'll just tell you everything when I feel like it okay?" Halla said opening her locker

" I'll go now, see you guys later" I said

" Bye" Halla waved her hand so I did the same before walking to my locker

- Time Skip -

{ Let's just say that nothing much happened
that's why I skipped it ~Author ♏}

- Saturday -

I woke up early to prepare breakfast for my mom and I, she is still locked up in her room so after I'm done cooking I walked towards her room and knocked a couple of times

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