The Longing

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Change can be good or bad, and in this situation it was only semi-good. Caroline Forbes had finally graduated from Mystic Falls High School. In the course of her young life, change was welcome, but unwanted at times. Being turned into a vampire turned out to be both of those things. She died thinking her best friend murdered her, and during the transition she was all alone. Caroline had no clue what was happening to her. Being so confused, she ended up killing a man in the process. When you don't think it could get any worse, it does. There was so much pain and sorrow in this young life of hers. At the same time she has grown into an amazing, passionate, strong person, well vampire. She's still a bit neurotic, but she can't help that, it's who she is.

Through out her high school years, Caroline was lucky to have some great loves in her life. When an unexpected attraction to Tyler came along, the passion was so strong that no one else compared. Sadly, as the others did, Tyler came and went. Only this time, her soul was completely shattered. She vowed to herself that after graduation she would look for a new place to call home. As Caroline longed for this fresh start, there was only one thing holding her back, her lovely mother. Her mother is the sheriff in town, so she knew there was no way she would move too.

A week after graduating, Caroline debated on ways to tell her Mother about this dream of moving. As she sat on her warm, soft bed, she daydreamed about a new place where she could find passion and love again. Snapping out of the daydream, she heard the front door open. She sprung out of bed, leaped down the steps and embraced her mom.

"Oh, hello Caroline. Thank you, but may I ask what that was for?" A startled Liz Forbes asked.

"I just missed you today, that's all."

As Caroline let go of her mother, she could tell something was wrong.

"Well, thank you sweetheart, but we need to have a talk. Come to the table for a sit?" Liz said softly.

Caroline nervous and confused, shuffled her way over to the table and sat facing her Mother.

"Yes Mom.."

"Well, Caroline..I was offered a new job, at a new department."

"That's great!" Caroline gave a smile, but noticed her mom wasn't finished talking. She grabbed her Mother's hand and gave it a nice squeeze. "Go on.."

"This new department is in Beacon Hills, California." And before she could tell her daughter she won't take it if she won't come with her, Caroline squealed with excitement.

"MOM! This is what I need, what we need! Take the job, I will be by your side."

Liz wiped the frown from her face, and started to glow with excitement.

"Are you sure Care?" Liz said, Still not convinced.

"Of course! So when do we leave?"

Liz cracked a smile and replied, "Moving day will be this Sunday, so we better start packing."

Running vampire speed up the stairs to her room, Caroline already started packing. She couldn't believe her luck, which was honestly not happening for her lately. This is exactly what she needed, and the fact that she wouldn't have to leave her mom made it all the better. Caroline just hoped that this move will be the right change for them both. Looking in her floor length mirror, Care takes an unnecessary breath.

"This is a new beginning. I am going to make sure, with every fiber of my being, this move will be the best thing that has happened to the both of us. I just hope this is all I've been longing for." Smiling the biggest smile in months, Caroline goes back to packing, feeling more relaxed than she has in a long time.

The week was flying by, and suddenly Saturday was here. Caroline insisted that her Mom not throw her a going away party, because who would even come? She felt as if all her friends have been distant after her and Tyler split.

"Care! It's almost 6! Get ready, they'll be here soon." Her Mom shouted up the stairs.

Groaning, Caroline pushed herself up and walked to her bare closet where only one dress still hung.

"I guess this is it, lets do this." She encouraged herself as she grabbed the cute, black cocktail dress.

Slipping into her flats, she glared at the clock and noticed it was five minutes past. Taking a deep breath she started down the stairs. To much surprise she sees Matt at the bottom of the staircase smiling up at her. That smile is what drove her crazy when they dated. Now he was one of the best friends she had.

"Caroline Forbes, you look stunning."

A smiling Caroline responded, "You don't look too bad yourself."

Matt took her hand and led her to the living room where all her friends stood. She smiled and suddenly she felt what felt like a million squeezes.

"Guys! Guys! I love you, but I can't breathe." Caroline laughed as she gasped for air.

They all backed up, and all she could think of was how maybe she was the one being distant all along. This feeling of love was overwhelming for Caroline. All this time she thought it was her friends being distant, but here they are all around her saying they will miss her. The heartache Tyler brought onto her really screwed with her mind.

"You guys I'm really gonna miss you, but this isn't goodbye forever. Plus I'm pretty sure our phones and computers still work. We will keep in contact." Caroline took hugs from everyone she loves. After a few hours of hanging out everyone left, with promises of staying in touch.

"Mom even though I told you I didn't want a going away party, thank you. I really needed that."

Smiling Liz took her daughter in a tight embrace, "Mother knows best Care." she laughed while walking away. Snorting a bit Care looks around her home, to the place she grew up in. She remembers all her memories here. From falling down the stairs when she was five, to getting ready for her senior prom. She was really going to miss this place.

On the other hand, this place has just as many bad memories as good ones. Shivering at the memory of almost dying in this house causes Caroline to feel uneasy. Shaking it off as some stupid feeling Care gets a blood bag from her refrigerator and goes upstairs to her room for one last night.

As she sipped the cool blood, she sat back and couldn't help but replay the great night in her head. Not realizing how late it became, she finished her midnight snack and tucked herself into bed.

"Buzzzzz!" The alarm went off startling Caroline out of deep sleep.

"This is the day we begin our new lives." She whispered to herself as she slowly crawled out of bed to get dressed.

As she put her shoes on, she noticed what look like a dark figure in her doorway. Looking up, the figure was suddenly gone.

"Care, don't go crazy now." She thought to herself.

As she walked toward her bedroom door, she felt hot breath along her neckline. Turning quickly, with fists up, she hears a familiar chuckle.


"Hello, my sweet Caroline." Klaus said, appearing from the shadows.

"What are you doing? And stop sneaking up on me like that." Caroline growled.

"I am here to stop you from making a big mistake. You should never leave Mystic Falls." Trying to charm her with his manipulating grin.

"It's too late, plans are made. Nothing can keep me here, so don't make it harder than it already is."

"Of course you'd say that. Now just remember, wherever you go I won't be far behind." Giving a high pitched laugh, he was gone.

Shaking her head she grabbed her overnight bag and headed downstairs.

"Caroline! Good to see you are finally awake." Liz joked.

"Big night last night, sorry Mom."

"I was only kidding sweetie. Could you put our bags in the car? The movers will be here soon."

As Caroline grabbed the bags and walked out into the fresh air, she took a minute to herself. "Goodbye Mystic Falls." She said softly.

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