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Author's POV~
On the following day , a new transferred student again arrived in Blue Spring Ride. Same class as Sakura. Spiky black coloured hair indeed it was Isao.
He was told to seat beside Sakura as it was free there.
Sakura speechless could not believe Isao was next to her.
"Hey?! Isao you did not inform me you were going to attend here!" Exclaimed Sakura
"It was a surprise" whistled Isao
"Tssk!" Said Shin-ah harshly
Shin-ah started glaring at Isao and Sakura who were laughing together.
~~Class flew by and it was lunch time~~
"Shin-ah! Wanna joined Isao and I for lunch!" Asked Sakura
"Yes" replied Shin-ah pissed off
"What is with your angry face?" Inquired Sakura
"Its nothing!! Im perfectly fine! Im so happy Isao Is WITH US!" He related with a beautiful fake smile
"Yeah as if I believe you , never mind let's go on the top roof" replied Sakura with a poker face
"Surre." Said Shin-ah
~~~While on the roof~~~
"Hey Sakura! May I taste your lunch?" Asked Isao
"Go On" replied Sakura
"Yummy! You improved your cooking skills" exclaimed Isao gladly
"Ah! Thank you so much!" Replied Sakura
"Nobody asked you about her cooking skills right Isao?" Said Shin-ah sarcasticly while eating
"What's your problem if I want to compliment about her cooking skills?" Argued back Isao
"I'm just telling you you are talking nonsense while eating" Shin-ah told him
"Nonsense Yourself"sighed Isao
"Shut up both of you!" Shouted Sakura
"Shut up yourself Sakura" ordered Shin-ah
"What did you just say? Repeat it" asked Sakura with cold eyes and a scary face
"No-no-nothing at all!" Stammered Shin-ah
"Let's end it here" said Isao with a louder tone of voice than usual
"Whatever let's head back the bell will ring" recommended Sakura
"Shin-ah I wanted to tell that since this morning you are in such a bad mood. If I did something wrong please tell me so that I can appologise.." added the girl
"No it's me who need to appologise , Im sorry to have been talking harshly since this morning" Shin-ah told Sakura with a soft voice
"Im pretty sure something is bothering you , right?" Asked Sakura
"Yeah but I can't tell you right now" he replied
"Why?" Questioned Sakura
"Just like that"he told her
"Ok I understand" she replied
"Aheumm... I feel left out" interrupted Isao
"Ah sorry" said Sakura with a bright smile in her face
~In class the teacher was deciding about the partners of each student for the annual school field trip~
"We decided the school field trip will be a 3 days and 2 night at a hotel near a saccred garden and a forest name «Mercy»" announced the Teacher.
He also added : "I will now decide the pairs...Kamisama Sakura is with the new student , Shigaru Isao , Ryuuki Shin-ah is with Manomi Kaori....."
"Hey Sakura, are you fine with us being paired up?" Asked Shin-ah
"Yes Im perfectly fine don't worry" replied Sakura
"Hmm...So Shin-ah is with Manomi Kaori.. the most beautiful and famous girl of the school. Almost all boys want to go out with her. I wonder if Shin-ah is lucky or unlucky to be paired up with her..but why I am feeling like this? " Said Sakura in her mind
"It's decided! I hope nobody has any objections!" Shouted loudly the teacher
"Pouffff!" Growled Shin-ah quietly

~~Time passed and after school everyone went home. At night Sakura decided to phone Dreamy~
It has been so long since she heard Dreamy's voice
**Beep beep beep**
*Dreamy picked up the phone*
"Hello?" Said Sakura with a weird tone
"Heyy Sakura! How are you?" asked Dreamy
"Im fine! I just wanted to hear your voice and relate to you some thing that happened in my life recently" told Sakura to Dreamy
"Sure" he replied
"You know my childhood friend came back after almost 10 years. He changed a lot and grew quite handsome. His voice became deeper but his personality that I like very much has not change at all fortunately" she related to Dreamy with a cute voice
"Ohoh! Really! That's all you wanted to tell!?" He suddenly said rudely
"Uhmmm.. Im sorry if I'm annoying you right now with this. Maybe I will call later. " Said Sakura anxiously
"No! Im so stupid! It's me who is strange today! Im sorry for my bad behaviour towards you.." said Dreamy quickly
"I have an idea! Today I will listen to your problems!" Proposed the girl
"No! It's my job! Also Im well paid for that" he responded
"Being paid?" Asked Sakura
"Yeah" he mumbled
"How come?" She added
"A girl's trust and smile is eveything isn't it?" He said proudly
"Aw! Sweet as always eh!" She said with great joy in her voice
"Yaah!" He replied
~*Till late at night they continued talking about cute things~*

-The next day when Shin-ah came to class-

"Seems in a good mood today, Shin-ah!" Exclaimed Sakura
"Yes!" He replied with a scrumptious voice
"Sakuraaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Shouted Isao out of the blue exagerately
"Heum yes?" Replied Sakura calmly
"I-I want to talk to you on the day of the outing means in some days...can I?" Stammered Isao while talking
"Also One important thing! Shin-ah must not be here Okay!?" He added spontaneuosly
"Uhm sure.. I understand but why?" Queried the girl
"Its quite personal" he whispered
"Then it's fine" she said while chuckling
"Also! Sakura after school I want to drink your tea! It's so long since then," he said excitingly while grabbing Sakura's hand
~ After hearing the conversation Shin-ah finally shows up between them
"WHAT! TOGETHER IN A HOUSE!!" He shouted furiously while removing their hands from each other and pushing them far from the other one
~At this very moment the pupils started glaring at them
"Hoihoihoi calm down Shin-ah. He won't do anything strange , I'm sure of that. Also he used to came before" explained Sakura while frowning
"Yeah but it was in the past you don't know he has matured by now" said Shin-ah with a pissed off face
"Shut up!" Sputtered the girl

~Shin-ah , angry went back to his seat and they did not talk to each other till the day ended~
~Meanwhile Isao was drinking tea at Sakura's house
"Your tea is always delicious!" Isao rejoiced
"Yeah yeah" drawled the girl
"Sakura? Correct me if I am wrong but you are actually a bit moody right now , aren't you?" Inquired Isao
"Not really. I am just tired" she replied frankly
"Then can I say something please?" He said with puppy eyes
"Go on"
"I know it's not the right moment but I Love You Kamisama Sakura. Since we were kids until now! I hope my answer is up to my expectations on the day of the outing!
~Suddenly he took his bag , put on his shoes and rushed over the door
"What the- Isao wait!!" Shouted Sakura
~While opening the door Isao declare : "I know your true feelings for both of you but I don't mind you will surely fall in love with me! And that's what we need to discuss clearly on the field trip!"
~Sakura was so schocked that her lips became dry
«At night Sakura was all worried and tensed about the confession her childhood friend made»
"Oh Gosh! I am so confused . . . And the problem is that I can't return his feelings and what did he meant by 'Both true feelings.' Wow I did not know I would call dreamy this soon again!" She started sputtering and stressing while talking to herself
"Uhmm...Hello...Dreamy" Sakura said
"Heyy! But why does your voice seems so down today?? Something bad happened? At school maybe?" He started questioning Sakura
"That's not it. I hope you remebered when I talked about that childhood friend of mine , today he just confessed to me out of the blue and I could not say anything. It was like my tongue was tied when I tried to stop him and talk to him!" She explained
° Dreamy was frozen in the time when he heard this °
"Wow Sakura ! That is the first time you are talking to me things related to 'Love' " he told her with a shocked voice
"Yes I know and I don't know what to do!" The girl cried
"F-f-first of all do you have any romatic feelings for him?" He asked her while stammering out of the absurd news
"No! Only friendship! More like a brother to me!" She said loudly
"Listen...I may not be an expert in love matter but the best thing I can tell you is to listen to your heart" he advised her
"Yes I know! Thank you! I will try to listen to it!" Sakura declared
-After that they both hanged up-

~~~~~~~~Finally it was the day of the field trip and they arrived at their hotels~~~~~~~~~
⚫During lunch break ⚫
"Thank you all for helping today now it's lunch , you can visit , rest and eat" announced one of the teacher
"Sakura ! Isao-kun is calling you outside!" Shouted on of Sakura's friend
"Oh yeah! Tell him I am coming" she replied
"Sakura? I need an answer today but are you ready??" Asked Isao
"Yes Im rea-"
*Suddenly someone put his hand on Sakura's mouth. Indeed it was Shin-ah who came to interfere*
"What do you want little Shrimp??" He threatened Isao
"Im only asking her an answer if she would like to go out with me?" He told him with a sarcastic voice
"This princess! She is mine! She can't go out with the like of you! Understood mine!" He started declaring with a kingly face
-Out of the blue Shin-ah grabbed Sakura in a bridal style and started running to escape-
"Hey You! How dare you do this! Release me now! Im not a princess or yours or whatever! I could not give Isao a proper reply because of you! Idiot! " She shouted furiously
"Ah you are cute!" Shin-ah started talking in a childish way
-Meanwhile Sakura was blushing hard-
"Also I already gave him his reply" he added
"But I could not appologise!" She started yelling
"Forget about it!" He sighed
"Perverted alien!" Sakura started blabbering to herself
"I am not a pervert! I just have a sexy mind" he proclaimed proudly
"Oh my gosh! Why did I even had to meet you!" She complained
"Because it's fate who interwined our destiny together! Mon amour!" He replied while grinnning
"Shut up!" Sakura ordered him
"Hihihihi!" He laughed

~~~And so Shin-ah took back Sakura in her room without caring if someone was watching them or not~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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