The Last Chapter

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Last year around this time, I watched Captain America: The First Avenger and I fell in love with two of the characters. Steve and Bucky, so I decided to do something I had never done before.
   I decided to write this book even though I knew it would be hard and it was hard to find motivation to write but I did it. I know that I haven't been the best author but I managed to do over twenty chapters and that is more than I ever thought would be possible. It has been a pleasure seing this book grow and get almost 80 000 reads which I would have never imagined. I'm so thankful for the amount of support I have recieved and all the positive comments that you guys have written.

Now a year later I am not very motivated to write this book as you have probably noticed in my lack of updating. I am not as obsessed with Steve and Bucky as I was before and I don't want to continue writing something that I do not enjoy.
So this is the last chapter of this journey, thank you for sharing this journey with me and I love you all.

So for now.
Xoxo Lisa.

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