Father of Evil

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     Years went by and Jackson was now one year old, he was tall for his age when he was him self (as Jekyll) he was quite and tried to stay out of the spotlight, Jackson was really close to his parents and he spent most of his time reading his little kitty books.  When he was Hyde on the other hand he was rambunctious, you named Jacksons alter ego Holt Hyde, you didn't like the name but Mr.Hyde gave you no other choice.  " HOLT GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" Yelled Mr.Hyde, " Edward, please he didn't mean to him!" you cried trying to protect a crying Holt. Dr.Jekyll's transformations have gotten much worse. Hyde took over Jekyll and almost every hour Henry was transforming. " LEARN NOT TO TOUCH THINGS YOU BRAT!" shouted Hyde fighting your restraints," Holt run!" You shouted over Mr.Hyde, Holt nodded as the tears rolled down his face, once he got upstairs Hyde calmed down. " Do you why I don't want him in my office?!" yelled Hyde in your face," Edward, he's one" you said sternly," I don't care how old he is I want him OFF MY STUFF!" yelled Hyde losing his temper again," That's it! i've had enough of you torturing the poor boy!" you snapped at Hyde stomping upstairs to comfort Holt, you walked down the hall and came to Holt/ Jacksons door you took a deep cleansing breath and nocked on the door," its mom" you said gently," c-c-come in" hiccuped Holt. You stepped inside Holts room he had a small bed and a little desk with crayons and paper spread all over it, Holt was on his little rocking horse with a cowboy hat that slid in front of his face every time he rocked forward. " Oh honey, i'm so sorry, you said apologetically, Holt didn't say anything and continued to ride the small horse, " Holt i'm..." you started to sob on his bed,"  sorry y-y-you have to go t-threw this" you said into the sheets. You felt small arms rap around you, you looked up and blinked away the tears and saw Holt around your waist. " don't cwy mommy" said Holt trying to comfort you, " i'm so sorry you have to live like this Holt" you said running your fingers threw his reddish orange hair,  "i'm sorry your father made you like him" you whispered," daddy is an arrogant man" you said in an angry whisper. Holt looked up with you concern and a bit of confusion," Daddy not bad" said Holt you picked up Holt and sat in the bed with him on your lap. " Your right Holt, daddy is not a bad person" you said trying to reassure yourself with the thought of Dr.Jekyll, Holt leaned into your chest and did a smooth transition from a blue skinned fiery red haired boy back to a normal boy with light brown hair. You studied Jackson and wondered if it was uncomfortable for him to transform just like his father. " Hello mom" said Jackson with a smile, " hello my love" you said giving Jackson a hug. There was a nock at the door, " Who is it" you asked trying not to sound shaky, Jackson gripped harder, " i-i-its H-Henry" Choked Dr.Jekyll you and  relaxed and so did Jackson. You got off the bed and opened the door, Henry stood on the other side not making eye contact with you. " May I come in?" asked Henry to the floor," you may" you said stepping inside and letting him in. Henry looked up to see his little boy with a beaming smile looking back at him, " da-da" said Jackson happily, Jackson ran with a slight wobble and fell on his dads legs rapping his arms around them. Henry  smirked as he picked up the small boy, " Jackson we need to talk" said Henry," Daddy needs to apologize for what happened" said Henry gulping the small lump in his throat, " Daddy has been going threw tough times, but I p-promise it will n-never happen again" Said Dr.Jekyll with tears filling his eyes. Jackson looked up at his father, " It's okay daddy" said Jackson putting his head on his fathers chest, Dr.Jekyll stroked the his sons soft light brown hair. Dr.Jekyll put his son down and walked over to you, this time you both made eye contact. " i'm sorry (y/n) i'm sorry" cried Dr.Jekyll," lets go down stairs" you said quietly, you sat on the couch and Henry broke down," i'm sorry (y/n), i'm sorry my dear but I give up!" cried Dr.Jekyll," this monster I have created took over my soul!" shouted Dr.Jekyll," Hen-" you where about to say something but you got interrupted by Dr.Jekyll's mad shouts." I GIVE UP! I CANT DO IT ANYMORE!" shouted Dr.Jekyll, " THIS MONSTER HAS EFFECTED EVERYTHING I DO! I GOT FIRED BECAUSE OF HIM!" Dr.Jekyll's voice reached its breaking point and gave out giving you a chance to talk." Henry, why didn't you tell me you got fired?" you asked now starting to get teary, " you know you can tell me anything, how did you get fi-" you got interrupted again. " I transformed" said Dr.Jekyll dully," oh" you didn't know what to say, you felt bad for Henry and kind of irritated that Henry didn't tell you. " Why didn't you tell me this Henry? You know i'm here for you right?" Dr.Jekyll nodded," I still love you monster or not I will always be here" You said wiping the tears off of Henry's face, Henry pulled you into a warm hug and sobbed in your shoulder, " I-I-I j-j-just d-d-don't want t-to hurt J-J-Jackson or you" said Dr.Jekyll," shhh it will all be okay" you said stroking his hair.

Your POV:
Today was not a good day, I found out that Henry got fired and because he turned in front of everyone. I hope we can get the family back together. Wish us luck.


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The Son of Jekyll ( Dr.Jekyll and Mr.HydeX Reader part. 2) Where stories live. Discover now