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A land forgotten by time and place secretes and where wonders beyond imagination lived. The area is swarmed by flying creature unique in the song that it sings, birds and tall leafs and trees plus bushes of thorns and barriers of berries and living in this land is a cross breed of a squirrel foxes curled up on the ground with their golden brown fur with eyes of green which could only be made out from the tall grass, they were hiding in. Also loads of insects not the normal small insects you would see but mutated insects because they are bigger than us because of the toxic waste mixed with chemical Fe from the periodic table. In time there it was the most humble place to be. A giant insect also flew around with wings that were transparent and eyes green and emerald body narrow and thin as dragon fly’s swarmed, as if they were security guards. Near by the trees and a ditch the sound of rushing water calmed the animals, insects and humans down that is what brought peace into this land. Until one day a weary young woman with hair as grey as silver took in at the back of her orange gown approached to pray in this place though they was something wrong with the young woman, she was blind for her eyes where bandaged up but not only that she was a vixen a female fox as well as human. She has a company of three men who had rifles on them. Those three men are her brothers who are also part fox like their sister Rose and one is her lover who promised to look after her who is a simple human. They travelled far and have seen death on the way here. The giant insect patrolling the ground like there were expecting attack was grey and hard shelled like metal armoury and two eyes that are burning, blue and pincers where its mouth was. They allowed the lady to go to their temple to pray but the others would have to wait outside until she has done. They took her to the temple she couldn’t see but she felt around with her senses with her delicate, agile hand she reached out and touched the curve of it as she touched the surface around. It was solid brick and went inside. Her shoes picked up sand into it feeling the warmth and sat down in front. She could smell the fragrance of spring. As she was praying by accident, she slipped into meditation and she had a vision about a two little girls with difference the first was with white long silver hair and pinkish red eyes and the second had the same hair colour but had blue eyes with a glint of purple smiling directly at her and saw them grow up from eight years old to a teenager. On the blind woman’s face her lips curved at the edge seeing this made her quite emotional as a clear tear had fallen on to her creamed cheek.

The men outside grew anxious wondering what was taking their lady so long and out raged one of them freaked out as he saw a red giant ant looking at them from the high cliffs above their small heads and watched nervously as it was moving it intoners as if it was licking its lips at the taste in the air of new meat. The metal hard shelled insect went up to it to be friends because the hard shelled insects are curious to what new comes along and are humble like monks they don’t fight unless they have to. The red giant ant started to breathe out fire at the kind insect it screamed in pure annoyance and agony that gave everybody who heard it a shock of pain and the men down below used his rifle and shot at the red giant ant but he was too late for the ant fire had killed the kind giant patrolling the ground it looked up at man who tried to save him. It eyes went pale and blood was seeping out of it. The blind young woman heard the gun shot and went back to reality to see. What had happened the kind insects tribe eyes where full of rage and onwards they approached the fire ants. The two men on the lady watch went out to help the good insects there were her brothers “they going to need all the help they can get” he said to his brother. The fire ant breathed fire out like a flame thrower towards them. The guns had no effect on the ants and they were killed by the ants blaze of fire all that was left of the two men which are her brothers was the ash of their bodies and melted metal. The only one alive was her lover and he went to go and get his lady. She just stood there at the side of the buildings leaning in towards the wall to help guide her back the way she came from. She couldn't see what was going on and a fox squirrel jumped on to her shoulder and wrapped itself around her gently not bothering her. But she didn’t mind though she could smell the air filled with smoke and strange scent of iron. In a matter in minutes the forest and some animals including the kind insects died during this and nothing left of this world. Her lover ran back to her to protect her. He then tried to make a way out of here but couldn’t so he took some of the insect’s shells to create a few vaults on top of the surface and dug deeper underground to expand the facility area using the giant’s insect’s dead shells of amour to create a barrier. They had the latest gadgets thanks to a friend they have made along their journey and the channel can travel threw trees and use energy sources to connect them around the world. They started to round up people to help live here. While the giant insect ants that breathed out fire went into cities and towns and so on live television they promoted vaults underground to protect all people and children.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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