When it all started

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When I started year seven, it was like a new beginning. A new me. I expected to learn stuff and to become smart and successful but what I didn't have in mind were boys.

When I started I didn't have crushes, but I then started to develop them. At first I had three crushes, they where all so good looking but I knew I wouldn't have a chance with them and I started loosing interest in them. But there was one boy, one boy I can't forget. Why? I ask myself that most of the time but I don't actually know. I still have a tiny crush on him. He roasts me and I get hurt and I dislike him, but I still like him. Does that even make any sense? He knows I like him and he likes to play with my emotions. He would wink at me and flex his muscles at me and yes I did fall for it but all they got out of it was mockery. I never told him I liked him but he guessed and he guessed right. I personally think he is perfect except for personality (which is how i judge people most of the time) my friends think he is a fuck boy and a moron and they are right but I just can't agree with them. In my eyes he is almost the perfect boy who's spell I'm under. I started developing a crush who likes me and he might not have the best of looks but he is very talented with music, is smart and is good at sport. Though I can't stop thinking about the asshole yet I really want to be with the talented guy plus the talented guy is such a gentleman and has the best personality.
If you would like me to write more of these stories then tell me, should I go with the cute guy with a horrible personality or the almost good looking really talented and smart guy? Please comment and tell me the right choice. Thank you.

The perfect boy who's spell I fell underWhere stories live. Discover now