A girl wrote a letter to her dad..
Dear Dad,
Dad, I'm in love with a boy who is far
away from me.
I am in India and he lives in UK.
We met on a dating website.
Became friends on Facebook.
Had long chats on Whatsapp.
Proposed to each other on Skype.
And now we've had 2 months of relationship through Viber.
I need your blessing and good
wishes daddy.
Your loving Daughter....
A few days later daughter received a letter from her dad saying....
Dear daughter,
Wow! Really!
I m speechless....
Well then get married on twitter.
Have fun online.
Buy your kids on e-bay.
Send them through g-mail.
And if you get fed up with your husband...
Sell him on OLX.... !!
Your loving father....!!!"