*you and gray were best friends eversince you were a baby* Y/n pov Today u and grayson were going out to ur's and his favorite ice cream place. You were up in ur room changing. This is what you wore⬇
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U went downstairs and told ur mom where you were going. Then you grabbed your wallet and ur keys and headed over to gray's house. Since u only lived next door u walked over and knocked on his door. He opened the door with a huge smile on his face. He grabbed his coat and you guys were off to the ice cream place.
*skip walk* You guys finally made it to the ice cream place and waited in line.
When you got to the front you ordered a y/f/ic/f (favorite ice cream flavor) and grayson ordered his. You got ur ice cream and went and sat down and started to chat.
"How was ur day so far?" grayson asked
"It was good i guess" you said eating your ice cream
"That's good i guess" he said laughing a little
"Ya. But coming here made my day better. Like so much" you said smiling
"See there's that beautiful smile i love so much" he said
You started to blush
"Awwww. Someone's blushing" he said smiling
"Shut up d*ck head"
"Make me buttface" he said
"Ur mean you know that right?"
"Ya but that's what you love about me" he said laughing
"You need to be nice to me" you said pretend crying
"Awwww. Dont cry i was just pretending" gray said rubbing ur back
You grabbed your ice cream and splashed it in his face
"What the heck y/n" grayson said chuckling while you were laughing your butt off
"Your so getting it" he said smirking at you
You ran out of the ice cream place and started to dash down the street, grayson close behind you. You stopped to take a breath when you felt your feet leave the ground. You looked and saw grayson running with you in his arms.
"GRAY FUCKING SON PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" you said trying to get out of grayson's grip
"Nope. You did this to urself" he said
After about 10 minutes of running grayson stopped and put you down. Grayson grabbed your hand and took you to this secret hiding place you and gray found when you were younger. Gray took you to this tree stomp and sat down. You sat down next to him. Grayson turned and looked at you.
"Y/n can i tell you something?" gray said
"Ya of course gray. You know you can tell me anything"
"Ok i know this might ruin our friendship but y/n i reallly like you and ever since i was young i liked you. Seeing you with other guys made me mad knowing i wasnt the reason of you smiling. But also i was there when you needed a hug or a shoulder to cry on. Remember when i kicked y/e/n's (your ex name) butt. I love you and i understand if you dont like me back" he said grabbing your hand and looking into your eyes
"Gray...i dont know what to say. All i can think of is....i love u too. I always have. And trust me i love you more then a best friend. And gray you put a smile to my face" i said hugging him
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" gray said
"Yes" you said kissing him on the lipes
After that you got home and had a Netflix and cuddle night.