Okay so listen up frickers. His fanfic is gonna be so spicy hot. Get ready to literally NUT evEryWhere as you're reading. Moisten your hands and let's get into this.
Soago and Edge are on the couch making out at Edgy's house because. Pat knocks on the door. FUCK. Spago says "be right back babe." And goes to check the McFreaking door when oh my GOD. It's Pat but no one else is there but also Pat looks like struggling. "What is homie?" Says Spago in a deep voice because she was just making out with Edgy in the corner and that maker ur voice dep.
"We just came by to say" pat started to talk but WHAT WAS SHE TALKING ABOut? WE?????? There was only PAT there?????? Fries comes out of her shirt from her tit pocket aka bra.
"We are better than you" it is fries. He is speak.
Spago jumps back in gasp! Oh my god!
"Untrue!" Edgy runs over and drop kicks Pat in the eye. She cries in the floor in a big mess. Fries holds her corpse in his arm and yells "you monster!!!" Spago and Edgy laugh. They both start to kick fries in the face and also Pat. :((
"Bye you stupid stRAIGHt people." Edgy and Spago say whil ethey go back inside to make out again. Nice.
"Suck my pee pee you honmos!" Fries yells!
"Your penis is a French fry!" Spago yells! Fries cries. She's right.
10 minutes later Pat dies from sadness and bloodloss. Spago and Edgy thing this is so funny and LAUGH SO HARD THEY PISS THEMSELVES AND HAVE TO CHange pants but there are no pants left so they wear their underwear. Fries cries and also died because he loves Pat so much he dies with her :::(((((
Pat and Fries are ghosts now and they will haunt Spago and Edgy to the ENdS of thE eArTh.