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Hai Orange Army! :3

Soo... I'm gonna try to write a fanfiction. Oh Dear God... If someone actually reads this i think i'm gonna fangirl so hard i'll die. (I know, smooth.)

- This is my first try so go easy on me! But if i do something wrong PLEASE! Let me know in the comments down there.

This FanFic will NOT have any romance. (Sorry but i don't trust my writing skills in that area)

-Authors notes is not gonna be this long in every chapter i promise

Back To The Story! c: 

Maria's POV:

''Alrigt Maria. You can go home now.'' 

You hear that? that's the sound of my boss letting me leave early on a friday. Yes! An entire weekend to sit home and play games. Oh how i love the weekends. I walk outside the parking lot and sit in the car.

---Skip the drive---

'Finally home' i think to myself.

I take off my work clothes and put on some dark grey skinny jeans and a red hoodie. I go inside my room and walk towards my computer and turn it on. I click on the icon i've clicked so many times. The game loads and the written on the screen is a word in big letters.


I click play and that's all i remember before it goes black.


 I wake up in a sort of... Castle i think?

'What the fuck? D:<'

I try to stand up and regret it the second i move. Oh god my legs are sleeping...

'Hm... Better find a way out of here.'

I stand up, walk a few steps, turn around the corner and scream at what i see.

Pewds' POV:

I walk trough the creepy hallway. 

'Everything here is creepy Pewds' i tell myself.

my mind wanders and i start to think of ducks.

''PEWDS!'' I hear a person yell behind me.

'Please i don't wanna die D:'

I turn around scared of what i'm gonna see and sigh in relief when is see who it is.


I run towards them and make them fall to the floor with my hug. 


''Jesus Pewds... Get off!'' they sound annoyed but i know they love me <3

''Guys! I went out to search for stuff and when i got back you weren't there'' I tried to sound mad at them but it didn't work so well...

''But Pewds we-''

Piggeh was interrupted by a scream. A loud scream.

- A girls scream.

Yeah i know... Cliffhanger >:D

Chapters are gonna be longer don't worry!

Well... See you next time! Baaaai!

Trapped inside Amnesia (PewDiePie FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now