(4) Summer '17

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The sun fell as the moon came up. Crickets chirped soundly while Liam and Zayn sit on the back porch, Niall asleep on Liam's lap as he snores quietly; the beautiful blonde looks even more perfect under the moonlight.

Their day has been long and worthwhile though. The beach was fun, the laughs they shared were fun, and their bond has grown much tighter.

That's what Liam and Zayn wanted though; they wanted their bond with Niall to deepen.

The blonde can be hard to please at times, but today, he was very pleased with his boyfriends.

Although he isn't too picky, at times he can be a little much, which Niall knows. He wants to fix himself, but it is a process that takes time.

Liam runs his fingers through Niall's blonde locks, smiling gently as him and Zayn stare out at the beautiful moonlight before them.

"Its a gorgeous night, Zee," Liam speaks gently, not wanting to wake their Niall up.

"It is a very gorgeous night." Zayn replies. "I'm hoping that Niall will be okay in school, that starts in a few days, though," he adds, looking at Liam. The brunette looks back at him and nods, wanting the best for Niall.

"I'm sure we will have a few classes together, so we'll be there for him at times. He just really hates school and some people hate him, somehow. Our poor Niall probably has done nothing wrong, which makes no sense as to why they hate him." Zayn sighs and shrugs, feeling oh so bad for him.

They'll do what they can to make their Niall happy and safe in school, even at home, no matter what. They want their blonde to be the happiest he can be, just because of them.

Niall groans quietly as Liam continues to run his fingers through his hair, the bruentte smiling now. The blonde slowly opens his eyes to see one of his lover's looking down at him. He grins a bit while looking up at him before planting a kiss to his lips.

Zayn and Liam are both surpsied, even Niall, because Niall made the first move. They've never laid a kiss on the blonde, ever.

Niall blushes hard and laces his hands with Liam while Zayn comes over quickly, planting a kiss to the blonde's lips. The slightly younger boy smiles through the short kiss, his heart beating out of his chest now.

"W-Wow..." Is all that Niall can say at this point. His boyfriend's smile at him lovingly before kissing each other. The blonde sighs happily because of the two in front of them.

Somehow, their bond keeps getting stronger, more realer than before. It's like they were destined to be here, altogether on this porch.

Those kisses really meant something to Niall, whether the two know it or not. They were both quick, but were sweet and passionate.

No one has ever been this passioante with Niall, not once, so this surprises him on a whole new level, that he is happy to discover. Liam and Zayn have showed him passion.

Although Liam and Zayn's kiss lasted longer, Niall couldn't help but want more from the two, after they finished. He quickly sits up and plants his lips back onto Liam's, making the brunette smile even harder and kiss him back even more.

Zayn licks his lips as he looks at his two boyfriend's; his heart beat is fast and his feelings are growing so much stronger for the blonde. Niall is truly wonderful in this relationship, as he doesn't ask for too much, and is so so kind.

After Niall and Liam's kiss, the blonde catches his breath and brings Zayn down with him, attaching his, now, plump lips onto the more tattooed boy.

Zayn doesn't complain as he kisses Niall back, wrapping his arms around his waist as Liam did the same from before.

Liam watches endearingly, loving that Niall has finally moved to the next step in their relationship. He has wanted to know how Niall's lips would feel on his and Zayn's.

It seems as though they feel like they're perfect and the best feeling on earth. At least, to Liam.

Zayn does feel the same feeling though. The blonde's lips on his feel breathtaking and perfect.

"Before you both eat each other's lips off, let's start heading to bed," Liam states to the other two as they are still kissing. He is getting quite jealous. They know that, but stop, because Liam gets jealous the easiest; for now.

The three then head to Liam and Zayn's room, peeling off their shirts as they head towards it.

Niall hasn't moved in yet, as he is afraid his mother will say no, even though she is the sweetest, so soon he will ask her.

Niall snuggles in between Liam and Zayn's sides, smiling happily as the two hold him securely.

They have cuddled and slept like this numerous times, but tonight, it's different somehow. Because of the kisses, it seems more intimate and real, in a way.

"You know that we will be there for you when school starts, right, little one," Zayn whispers, loud enough for them to both hear. He doesn't want to be too loud as they are heading to bed.

Niall looks at the both of them for a few seconds before closing his eyes, letting out a soft breath afterward.

He wants to believe them, he does trust them, but school is one of the worst things that he has to deal with in his life; for now at least.

"I know, Zee, but before... You don't know what I went through, and I don't feel comfortable to talk about it yet. You'll both be patient, right?"

They both nod quickly after he opens his eyes. The blonde wants to make sure that he can trust them, and tell them anything, without being forced to do so.

His past was worse than they could think of; he wants to tell them, but he needs to feel more comfortable with them. Someday, they'll get there, eventually. Maybe they could help him?

"Thank you both, for being so kind to me, and thank you for trying your best for me. This all may sound so cheesy, which it is, but I care a lot about you two. I just need to feel more comfortable with myself before I can tell you what happened." Liam nods, running his hand up and down Niall's side.

The brunette has been through some things as well, before he had met Zayn. They may have been younger, but bad things can still happen to them. Things that can really screw up kid's minds.

"It's no problem at all, baby boy. We will be patient and wait until you're ready to tell us about your past. No matter how long it takes." Zayn nods along with Liam's words, both smiling down at their blonde gently. They're trying their best.

Niall smiles at the both of them. He then places quick pecks to their lips before closing his eyes again. The blonde needs some sleep after this eventful day with his boys; his boys.

"Goodnight Li and Zee," Niall states, which were his last words that night, before he fell asleep in his boy's arms, minutes later.

Liam and Zayn watched him sleep for about two minutes, before falling asleep with him, gentle smiles on their faces.

That night, they slept with a much stronger bond.

A/N: Another cute, but kinda serious, chapter. There'll be some sad moments in this story, yes, but the story is mostly happy. There's a lot of mostly sad/angsty stories, so that's why I make stories like these; which are mostly happy/fluffy. I hope y'all enjoyed and I love you all x

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