The Story of Yin and Yang

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Story Time!
*Still part of the Fanfiction story.*

In the heavens a child named Yang was born son of a Goddess and of a human being. All the Gods and Goddesses in Heaven knew that he was very different from all of them because he was born with a bit of darkness deep within him. Many Gods and Goddesses from both the heavens and the underworld had children with human beings but each child were either evil or good from whether the God or Goddess is from the heavens or from the underworld. After a few months passed a woman gave birth to a little girl named Yin whose father was a God from the underworld and not only that but he was the king of the underworld Gods meaning Yin is a princess.
As they both got older Yang became a bit of a troublemaker and a bit stubborn and his life was always full of happiness as for Yin it was the opposite she always followed rules and commands from her parents especially her father and seeing her smile was very rare because her life is mostly filled with more downs than ups. One day Yin went out for a walk having a human male guard by her so nothing happens to her and he knows if he fails his life would be taken away and that he also heard rumors that Yin was truly the most evil child in the world so he was terrified of her. Once Yin thought they were far enough in the forest and knowing that nobody was around she all of the sudden stops walking.

Yin And Yang Love Story (Randy Cunningham X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now