The realm of demons

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It was an old  creepy  forest with wolves and other cruel brutal beasts circling the area as they all stayed close to one another watching around the forest cautiously, then Madison fell down and cracked a few sticks "Madison" shouted Amber turning around sheepishly "sorry, I tripped" explained Madison getting up and brushing of the dirt. "Here we are girls" smiled Emily revealing a centre circle surrounded by demon statues and a small village with houses made out of sheets of metal and concrete "what is this place?" Asked Amber looking around "a safe haven for the heirs of demons also known as the realm of demons which I told you before" explained Emily leading them into the small village.
"Halt!" Ordered a guard stopping them from walking any further "Emily cooper heir of Scorpius" sighed Emily pushing him away and leading Madison and Amber into the centre of the circle. "Look along the statues you'll know when it's yours" explained Emily sitting by her ancient ancestors Statue and watching them. Madison found her way to Hermus, demon of war. While Amber just walked around and passed several demons until she came across a pure black one, shadows crept from its surface and Amber leaped back. "No fucking way!" Exclaimed Emily standing up in shock and horror.
"Guys we found the heir of scourge!" Shouted Emily stepping backwards. Many teenagers rushed outside and surrounded Amber and Madison. "It's time, EE can complete our destiny we have the last piece!" Cheered saffi, heir of sulcus demon of fire. "Saffi! I haven't seen you In time!" Smiled Emily hugging her and taking her over to Madison. They all sat quietly watching Amber sit by her statue then slowly walk over to them, "what destiny?" Asked Amber curiously. "Once we have the most powerful demons heir we can bring them all back before the hunters find us" explained Saffi standing up bravely. "We need to take her to the cave" sighed Emily "what cave?" Asked Amber turning to Emily "come on follow me" sighed Saffi as her Emily and Madison all led Amber out of the village and to a water fall. "Ok so we're at a waterfall" sighed Amber. "Go under it, there is the information you have to know" ordered Saffi smiling at her.
Amber slowly walked up to the water fall and looked back at Madison, her mind flashes every memory her and there parents had, and she knew they couldn't die for nothing, what ever she is supposed to do she would. Slowly she stepped into the water fall and found herself in a cave with signs along the wall slowly she read them all and understood, she had to bring back the demons with the power of her ancient demon ancestor scourge. "It has to mean somthing" she sighed exiting the cave. Then they all noticed a flame sparking through the woods, they all ran to the village in fear of what was happening.
The village erupted in a ember flame as hunter patrolled through shooting many with there cross bows, "come on we have to fight back" ordered saffi running through the village shooting as many hunters as possible. Madison leaped through the flames and began to fight a hunter he threw punches that she dodged with a little flick and sent shadow streaks pushing him into the fire. Amber began fighting a hunter and threw shadow streaks they'd dodge until she sent a inescapable wave, "that's her! That's scourges heir KILL HER!" Ordered another hunter.
"Come on we have to get you out of here!" Shouted saffi as her and Emily led Madison and Amber to there car "WAIT look we can save that girl!" Shouted Amber running and pulling a girl into the back seat.
A hunter appeared as Emily fought him of the others loaded into the car until Amber got out and began to fight as Emily got in and drove Amber ran behind and jumped on the car and watched the burning village behind her. Amber twisted her body round and climbed into the car by the window "we need to lane now" sighed Amber sending a shadow wave out of the window, slowly it turned into a large black wall. "That should keep them away a little longer" sighed Amber looking at the girl they'd found. "Who is she?" Asked Madison glimpsing at her "Isabelle, heir of cornilious demon of water" explained Emily staring at her. "Let's just drive we need to bring them back as soon as possible" sighed saffi looking at Emily. Emily pressed her foot down and they drove on faster. "Now it's time we follow out map to?" Asked Emily sighing "trolls caves" explained Madison reading a map.

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