Chapter 15

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I kept jumping from branch to branch for a while now, I was getting tired and sloppy but I had to get away. I jumped off to the next branch but I jumped to low and hit the branch smack dab in the face. I slid down onto the ground, landing on my arm. I groaned in pain, using my elbow to prop myself up.

I turned myself head to the side with my good arm and looked at the blanket of snow next to me. A single drop of blood fell onto the ground, disturbing its pure white colour. I let out a sigh, I was freezing, I wasn't really dressed to be out in the snow and now it was even worse because it was getting dark which means it was getting colder. My body heat was warming the snow under me, wetting me in the process.

I was tired and in pain, I just wanted to go home but was home even home anymore. Sampson was actually Slenderman, which means the meat he ate was... human meat? Which means I was cooking human meat. Dear god the thought upset my stomach so much that I felt the little content I did have in my stomach rise up into my throat. I used my arm and pushed myself forward , I then vomited the bitter bile. I spat the rest onto the ground as well. "Are you vomiting because of the fact that you fell from so high or because you found out the truth about your 'friends'" a familiar voice spoke.

I pushed myself back onto my back and saw Justine standing in front of me. She had the usual CpH uniform on except her mask was pushed up on top of her head. Her brown hair brushed back except for a single strand that hung in between her eyes. Her eyebrows were raised and her soft brown eyes looking at me with pity and sadness.

I just layer there, too tired to get up and fight or even argue. She raised her eyebrows further and tilted her head. "They're monster (Y/n), their monsters and liars and they deserve to die." Justine explained bluntly. I didn't respond to her, I barely even moved. "Listen, you can't sit and pout forever, you'll freeze to death." She said in a sigh while pushing the piece of hair back.

She reached into her jacket and pulled out a white mask just like the one she had on her head. She placed it next to me and then stood back. "When you come to your senses and decide to join your brother and came to where you belong, this will help you find us." She explained.

She gave me one last look then jumped into a tree and out of sight. I watched her disappear into the green snow filled trees, leaving me alone once more. I looked back down at the mask she left me.

I looked at the back of the mask, my initials incurved in it. I sighed, putting the mask against my chest. The cold started to actually sting at this point. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling through my nose. The stench of decomposition filled the air. I furrowed my eyebrows as my eyes flew open. Did someone kill animals and leave them to rot?

I used my good arm to push my weak body off the ground, half of my body was soaking wet now. My knees shook as they struggled to hold up my body weight. I held the elbow of my hurt arm, it helped with the excruciating pain. I know it wasn't broken but it was still very painful. I wanted to cover my nose, the smell actually burnt my airways, it made me cringe. I limped over to the stench, I needed to see what was the cause of this horrible stench.

I limped past the trees, closer to the smell. The smell was overwhelming, I was practically gagging at this point. As I limped closer to the stench, I could see a large tree, as I limped around it I could already see the bloodstained snow. In the center of the boos and snow were corpses, they were not the corpses of animals but of humans.

I slowly limped into the blood and snow, right up to the bodies. It didn't scare me like I thought, two years ago if I had to see this I would have probably died of a heart attack but now the only scary thing about this was the smell. That was until I saw who it was. Ragan,Jemma and Emma, their bodies were bloated and rotting and barely recognizable. They all layed on their backs with their right arms raised above their heads.

I looked up at their arms and saw something carved into their arms. On Ragans arm was the word 'Who's'. On Jemmas arm was the word 'useless' and on Emma's arm was the word 'now'. All the words spelt "Who's useless now." I touched my (Dominant hand) arm, I knew Jeff did this but was it deliberate? He didn't care, I knew he didn't.

I slowly backed away from the scene, I refuse to fall for his tricks. Clearly I've been a sucker for the creepypastas tricks, they probably killed my parents and took us away because they knew we were 'killing machines'. Something hard hooked onto the back of my shoe causing me to stumble back and fall. I felt something hard hit the back of my head then it all went black.

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