Chapter 3:Watch what you do

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When they entered the next room they began being so cautious about everything and there they met the Principal of the Midral High school  and since they never heard about the secret place until then, it wasn't so familiar for all of them

"Here's a blueprint of this place,all of  the room have one,Good luck"- Principal

The principal get out to the room,they all looked at the blueprint, the Closest places are the Attic,Railings, and Yard, they were wandering at the room when a scream scared them

"Natsumii!!!" - Girl

 They all ran to the place it was in the attic,

"What happened?"Caster asked

"we were just exploring here hoping to find a clue on the mystery, but suddenly he just collapsed there" -Girl

Myst observed the victim..

"it was poisoning, the poison is in that cookie probably"-Myst


"Probably a cyanide, his lips started to turn into violet" - Tery

"Now, has anyone entered this room before the two of you?"-Caster

"Well yeah, but we thought it was a staff so we didn't bother to confront her"-Girl

"What's your name?"- Gickard

"I'm Gwyn Flores,The Victim's Friend" - Girl

"Can you evaluate how the lady looked like?"-Myst

"she was wearing a pink T shirt, but it's weird that it has a pocket"-Gwyn

"Okay thank you for that"-Myst

then suddenly a commotion had began saying that there were two more victims to the railings  and the yard all of the victims are students 

1st Victim: Natsumi Yosaki, a bully and almost a gangster

Crime Scene: The Attic

Cause of Death: Poisoned by cyanide

2nd Victim: Carl Mendez a bully, and a part of Fraternity 

Crime Scene: The  Railings

Cause of Death: Poisoned by cyanide

3rd Victim:Angelo Reyes a bully

Crime Scene: The Yard

Cause of death: Poisoned by cyanide

Now Myst,Tery,Caster,Gickard isn't getting  anything except that all off the victim is a bully they called all the staff and they were surprised there are only three people who made the mystery, they called the police of help,

The Principal: Mrs. Mary Carino, have been a principal for 4 years and her son died in the school 

The Guidance Councilor: Mrs. Claire Sanchez have been a Guidance Councilor for 4 years to, her son died in the school because of the bullies

and a Teacher: Mrs. Rey ann a teacher for 3 years in Midral High school

when they heard all the things they still don't get anything, 

"Hey Myst, you were amazed by the first code right?"-Tery

"Well Yeah, want about it"- Myst

"Well since the blueprint has the different kind of places"-Tery

"not to mention that the room we entered was a kitchen" - Caster




"Railings and Yard"- Gickard

"But she didn't did it just for that right?"-Tery

"of course not"- Myst,Caster and Gickard

after concluding everything they went to the interrogation room and call the three suspects 

"so let's start the deduction shall we?"- Myst

"Why would they even trust High school students?" - Claire and Mary

"No, That guy right there has a different Level of IQ , He's on my Class " - Mrs. Rey ann

"Okay let's start the deduction now"- Myst

"Well myst tell us that Mrs. Rey ann is really good at making mysteries,so I'm guessing that she's the first one to have the idea of something like this, Am I right?-Gickard

"Well actually Mrs. Claire was the first one who suggested it before me"- Mrs. Rey ann

"That's true"- Mrs.  Claire 

"So we were right after all"- Caster

"first, the culprit needed to be trustworthy for  her to be able to put all those foods there and poisoned the victims, but that wasn't just that, she's making a warning for her real victim"-Tery

"For the real VICTIM!!!?"- Suspects

"It's you Principal the real TARGET Bully names, that's how the culprit pull it off, first Midral,Attic,Railings,Yard,Kitchen,Bully, you get it now miss Rey?"-Tery

"No sorry"-Mrs. Rey ann

"if we Connect them M,A,R,Y,K,I,L,L" or Kill Mary , and the motive--"Gickard

"It's her son, Yes Mrs. Claire you're the one who's capable of doing this right?"-Caster

"You're Joking right? You're just talking too much but you don't even get a proof "- Mrs. Claire 

"oh we forgot to tell you, we asked someone if they saw somebody coming in and out at those place and all of what they say matched, a small bottle can fit i think yuo already know where i'm goi--"-Myst

"You're wearing a sweater? but it's too hot in here, That's Crazy" *Sarcastic Face*- Tery

"Can you remove that sweater for us Ma'am?"-Caster

"Wha-Why?"- Mrs. Claire

Removed her sweater and they saw the shirt that the high school students were talking about

"You just needed to take off your sweater and disguise yourself into a different person and that's not just it, you can't get rid of that bottle of cyanide right? since You're surrounded if the police do a body search right now  they'll probably see that, still not convinced?I can go any further evidence if you want"- Myst

"Why!!!? Did you let those devils live in your school!!?"-Mrs. Claire *Crying* The police arrested her for doing 3 murders and 1 attempted murder.

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