"Why cant you just love me!?"

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Ava's POV.

I was downstairs, watching TV with dad and mom. I heard a little sound upstairs and decided to check it out.

"Mom? I'll be right back." I said with a smile. My mom smiled, scooting next to my step-dad. I just laughed.

"Alright Hun." She said before I bolted up the stairs.

I threw my phone into my sweatpants pocket. I put my hair into a bun quickly before opening Tanners door..

Tanner looked furious.. His face red, two pillows in his hands. He tossed them behind him and growled slightly.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME ATHENA!?" Athena? What in the actual fuuuuuck. Pardon my French.

"T-tanner.. I'm sorry but y-" I heard Athena talk, but was cut off by Tanner..

"Fuck. You. You are playing with me. This isn't a game Athena!.." There was a long pause and Tanner was about to start cursing when I walked in and shut the door behind me, not wanting the parents to hear. I looked around.

Athena was leaning on his dresser.. Clearly scared of his furious yelling.

Tears were rushing down her red, RED, cheeks. He hands were covering her mouth, she kinda quivered as she glanced at me. I heard a loud sigh.

"What the fuck Ava?" Tanner said angrily, I put my hands on my hips.

"Don't even Tanner. Don't take your anger out on me. It seems like you took it all out on poor scared Athena over here, you asshole." I hissed asshole. His eyes widened. I walked to Athena, hugging her waist. She wrapped her arms around me, leaning her head on mine as she sobbed lightly.

"What did you just say to m-"

"YOUR AN ASSHOLE!" I screamed. I love Tanner.. So much. He's my big bro.. But damn! Why would he be screaming at Athena like this!

"I'll meet you in your room." I whispered to her and she nodded, glancing at Tanner before running out the door, shutting it after.

"Tanner.. I'm sorry but what the hell was that?" I said as I picked up things he happened to throw. He sighed and fell on his bed.

"I fucking love her." He muttered angrily.

"We kissed.. I-I.. I don't know how I fell so hard but I did.." He stuttered. I frowned..

"Tanner.. Tell me exactly what happened." I asked as I sat down next to him, rubbing his back softly.


Athena's POV.

I ran to my room, balling into my purple pillow. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Why didn't I just.. Ugh!!

When he said "I love you"-

"I love you." He said.. My mouth hung open and I started to literally shake.

"Why?" I asked.. Now insecure me decided to fucking pop out of no where! His eyes widened. He frowned. He got off of me and sat next to me.

"Because you're beautiful and sweet, cute, nice.. And Ava completely adores you whi-" I felt tears rushing down my face. I can't do this.

"I don't love you.. We can't do this. We're step-siblings an-and we just can't! Ava loves me because I'm her sister! Which is exactly what I'm talking about.. Sister, brother. Not boyfriend and girlfriend!" I said loudly. I saw his eyes turn black and his posture changed completely. His whole body tensed and he jumped off the bed, knocking some stuff on the ground.. He's scaring me. I got up, leaning against his dresser and just let him do what he does as I cried..

Clearly upset by my actions..

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME ATHENA!?" He screamed.. I shook my head, crying harder.

"T-tanner.. I'm sorry but y-" I tried to explain.. He just cut me off again.

"Fuck. You. You are playing with me. This isn't a game Athena!.." He said angrily, throwing his arms into the air after a long pause.. I let a very soft weep slip and sniffled. He was about to curse again.. That's when Ava walked in.


I can't love Tanner. I don't love Tanner.

Yes you do, dumbass. Other wise you wouldn't be beating yourself up about it.

My mind spoke and I cursed under my breathe. I heard my door creak open and a sighing Ava came in. She shut the door, sitting next to me.

"I heard what happened.. Tanner is really upset. He adores you Athena.

He spoke about you like you were an angel. I thought he was going to cry.

Why can't you love him? I'm not trying to pressure you I just want to know..

My brothers a great guy.. Right?" She asked, even though she wasn't trying to get me upset, she did. I sighed heavily.

"Last time I said I love you to a dude, he just broke me.. Like all the others so I don't trust guys easily. I trust him.. I do. But I just d-don't love him.." I stuttered and Ava looked into my eyes.. Seeing through my bullshit lies. I nearly confessed that I might love him to her but she just nodded slowly, hugging me tightly.

"I'm here if you need anything, okay? We have school tomorrow though.. So.." She said angrily.

"Damn it's already been a month aye?.. God. Well I'll drop-"

"Tanner's driving us all to school.." She muttered and I sighed, falling back on my bed. She giggled lightly and kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna hit the haaayyyyy." She said with a goofy smile and I laughed, finally. I nodded, blowing a kiss. She caught it.

"Wub ya sista." I shouted. She laughed and nodded. Yelling as she walked out.

"Love you too!"

Tomorrow is going to be straight fucking hell..

Fuck my life..


I haven't updated in soooooo long😱😱😱 I'm sorry, I know!

But these updates will happen more often now!

Don't worry.:)

Vote lovies.

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