What my mind says

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The girl paced back and forth on the old tile floor trying to think about what she was going to say to him

Honestly what could she say

Hey at first I was in this to pay off old drug dept but now I'm in lo- no deep like with you

Uhm no fuck that.


She played with the strap of her bra while looking at the clock that had just hit 5:50 p.m.

"Come on Luke" her heart seemed to be racing 100 mph

She had told him to meet her at this old beach house where her and past lovers would sneak away to

What a coincidence

*2 hours*

"This is some bull crap I give him a chance to redeem himself and he doesn't even show up!!"

Candy was livid she packed up everything she had brought. Ready to leave this place and the boy behind.

She mumbled curse words under her breathe as she yanked the rusty door open

........and there he stood in all his glory

*Knock knock*

Her heart began to beat faster than a chubby kid that had just ran 5 miles

His left eye was bruised and his lip was busted. "Luke Oh my Gosh"

Wait no he had you waiting cuss him out

"Candy I-"

"No you selfish son of a bitch I gave you this chance to redeem yourself, I practically begged you not to be late because I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you how much I missed every aspect of you but no you've shown that this" she pointed in between her and the now teary eyed boy "means nothing to you"

She yanked the boy inside a dragged him to the bathroom "I'm going to clean you up Luke but I don't want to hear a word from you okay" her voiced waved as she began to cry while cleaning his his face

The boy understood and he kept his hand on her thigh because he knew this would be the last ounce of contact he had with her

She kissed the boy on the cheek before pushing away from him "I lov-" her body wouldn't let her get it out.

So she did what truly broke Luke apart. Candy walked out the door without another word

If only she had known the Ashton and his lad's saw the young boy when he was on his way to see her and they drunkenly beat him

Suprisingly Luke said nothing to stop her because something deep inside of him yelled that she deserved better......and better wasn't him.

Sorry I haven't updated you guys  i have been extremely busy but summer is coming and that means a lot of time for a new book👀and I am SORRY FOR THE SAD ENDING.

I appreciate all the support I have gotten for this book you guys have encouraged me so much and I truly thank you

Stay amazing 💕💕

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