Inside the box was bow tie with the design of pokeballs.
Serena - So cute mom!! Thank you!!!!!
Serena mom - Actually Darling, i did not bought it, Misty have it to me to give it to you!
Serena - Really? Well i love it! Pelase say thank you to Misty for me!
Serena gets out of her mom room and went to study on her room.
Serena - I think with all this study i will definetly go good on the test!
Ash's houseAsh - This test is going to be easy!!! *iphone rings*
Ash - Sure its her *answears phone*
??? - So she loved it!!! I had to lie a bit but she loved it!
Ash - REALLY? I think everything will be perfect for her birthday then!
What is Ash talking about??? You will descover everything in the next chapter!!! CYA :3