the favour≈

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Bitter cold air rushes past my face sending a prolonged shiver down my spine. I press my finger hard against Jihye's door bell. Not releasing until i get an answer, i keep persisting until the door swings open. A blast of warm air hits my face and immediately my hand falls to my side.

"Min-ji!" She growls her hands planted firmly on her hips, she glares at me from inside of her house thats basically radiating the heat that i ache for on this freezing January night. I stare at her sweetly like an innocent child.

"Hey Jihye!" A small guilty smile cracks across my face. "You called." The smile is quickly replaced with a smirk as I step into the heated home.

"You're such a rat, Jee." Hye exhales, slightly annoyed at my swift change in behaviour.

"You tell me everyday." I snigger dropping down casually down onto her sofa. I watch her carefully as she makes her way to my side.

"Why'd you ask me here then?"  I quiz poking her side to catch her attention. Her head tilts to look at me and her eyes suddenly flood with helplessness.

"I need your help with this tiny problem i have, Minji." I nod my head at her, my eyes occasionally flicking to the TV in front of us.

"That is?"

"Well you know that boy, what's his name? Oh, Jungkook-" 

"No." My instant one word answer makes her eyes snap to me now completely filled with worried.

"Please Unnie!"

"I'm not your Unnie! You're older then me!" I object, completely taken back by the incorrectly used honorific, since i am younger than her by over a year.

"Just hear me out okay?!" She pleads pulling my attention back to her. When she notices that i've taken notice she explains.

"I know he has a crush on me, like, a major, major crush." She mumbles rubbing her temples out of stress. "And it's gotten to the point were he's taking every chance to be with me, its annoying, and you know i like Yoongi."

"You can't seriously be asking me this, Jihye! That would be wrong!" I catch on quickly to what she was asking, fully twisting around to face my best friend.

"Please! Just make him like you in some way- become his girlfriend, friend or even his wife?!" She barters with me, shaking my shoulders to get me to agree.

"Wife! Thats a bit too far isn't it?" I exclaim my eyes widening to the size of saucers.

"Ah- I'm sorry." A disappointed sigh vacates her body. "I'm pushing this onto you, i shouldn't. Sorry."

"No, no. It's okay I understand. But how will he feel when he finds out?"

"He won't?" She asks uneasily an awkward smile making its way onto her face.

"Jihye!" I yell smacking her repeatedly on the shoulder, causing her to yelp and jump away from me.

"Hey! Stop!" She shrieks grabbing my hand to stop me from hitting her anymore. The reason i'm so upset is because i know Jungkook. He's a sweet person and very much a kind, gentleman. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

"Please, just- call it a favour! I just don't need this extra stuff right now." Her voice cracks mid sentence making every negative emotion in my body evaporate into thin air. The pillow between us is thrown across the room in a hurry and I smother her in a hug.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that Hye, but you know that people aren't something you can play with." My voice muffles in her hair before we separate.

"I know, but i really like Yoongi. But Yoongi thinks I'm in a relationship with Jungkook. And Jungkook won't tell him any different and he won't listen to me or anyone else." She whimpers hugging a pillow to her torso.

"Fine! I'll do it." I throw my head back, finally caving into my Jihye's begging. Her eyes immediately brighten when i say this, almost every sad aspect about her face transforming into a look relief and surprise.

"You'll really? Really, Really? For me?!" She interrogates, getting as close to my face as possible. Her eyes glued to mine.

"Yes, really!" I chuckle, pushing her shoulder to get her out of my face.

"Thank god because he and his friends should be coming round tomorrow-"

"Jihye!" I shout throwing my arms into the air in frustration.

She just smiles at me bashfully and offers me an apology.

"Get yourself together girl." I groan smacking her playfully on the arm.

(a/n: normally all my chapters are 1000 words plus so sorry;-; they'll get longer)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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