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Hi I'm queen of youtube! or Vanessa or Nessa but plz just refer to me as "Queen of youtube" because i dont want my dad to know im still here. Typically I never left TBH I just took a 3-4 month break I guess but I'm back now! This Is my first fanfic on this account but if ya want my VERY first book go to my other channel I will only be active on weekends because of my stupid dad getting rid of my wattpad app on my phone so yeah! have fun reading!


Vanessa's P.O.V

I woke up one morning to my alarm going off, it was Saturday morning and I had a big project with my older brother today and frankly I was excited and I was extremely nerdy. I got up and put on a red flannel, blue jeans, black converses, a pink mustache ring and I put up my hair in a high ponytail. I then grab my purple guitar and laptop and head downstairs where my older brother Nate was making some pancakes and some sausage.

(link to image of outfit:httpsrkiplier+inspired+outfits&tbm=isch&

"Morning Nessa how'd you sleep?" Nate asked as I set my guitar and laptop down "I slept good actually, better than I have been lately." I replied and sat down. He smiled and set down my plate and poptarts in front of me along with a glass of orange juice and sat beside me. "So A.J from random encounters just called 10 minutes ago and asked if you'd join me in night 3,4 and 5. What do you say sis?" He asked and I sat there for a minute. 

"Well I do really like singing so yesh I will join ya. When is it?" I asked out of curiosity. "It's around 9 and it's 7 so we have at least two hours to get there." Nate replied and I nodded and cleaned the kitchen. After I did that I ran up to my office and began recording an episode of happy wheels and FNAF.

~2 hour time skip~

I finish editing one video and was in the middle of editing the second when Nate knocks on my door, "yo Nessa its time to go!" He said and left. I saved my editing thing and went downstairs and followed him to the car. We drove to the apartment and I saw the little office in the FNAF game and to be honest I awed at it. "so what are my lines?" I asked Nate. He smiled "Nessa they are the ones we've been practicing for the past month!" he smiled.

I smiled and nodded and put on the whole foxy costume I was wearing this was gonna be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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