Demons Are Fallen Angels {Part 1}

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  Taehyung often saw the girl walk into the flower shop in the mornings. He guessed she was a florist that worked there. He had many chances to go and speak to her, but he never felt the time was right. He sat on a brick wall and checked his watch. 7:35 am exactly. He looked up and there she was, as always, unlocking the shop and going inside as she did everyday. 

 I unlocked the shop and went inside, setting up the flowers in all the different places to it would look good for the customers that I never had. I sat behind the counter and played on my phone, I always felt this feeling in my stomach that felt my stomach turn, I always felt but being watched but I always paid no attention to it as I thought I was just being paranoid.

  Taehyung had always tried to make his presence calming and peaceful like a summers day or the feeling you get when you fall asleep, but others had said his presence was not angel-like. It made him feel like a failure but he couldn't help it. 

 I continued looking down at my phone until I saw something out of the corner of my eye across the street...watching me. I locked my phone and turned my head in the direction of the person I thought I saw but there was no one, I frowned and tried to look for someone but no one was there. I thought I was going insane.

  Taehyung hid behind a tree in another direction as he watched her look for him, well, she didn't know who he was. "I wish it wasn't this difficult" he uttered. 

 I frowned and turned back to my phone, I hated how I had to sit in this place for a couple of hours, alone, and then go home alone for the rest of my life. I sighed and laid with my head in my arms on the counter, contemplating why life was so hard and difficult.

  He frowned as he felt her suffering and discontent. He wondered why she was feeling that way but didn't know how to fix it. He wished he could be human again like he once was and hold her, telling her it is going to be okay. He wished he could...but he couldn't. 

 A few hours later I finished my shift and locked up the shop. I went outside and threw everything on the ground, falling to the ground myself and sobbing. It was late at night and I knew no one would see me and even in the day time they wouldn't care. I sat on my knees as I sobbed and cried in my hands.

  Taehyung decided he needed to talk to her. He knew she already felt his presence and he walked slowly at a human speed. "Excuse me miss, are you okay?" He asked and bent down to make eye contact with her. Angels were known for being the most beautiful creatures on earth, same as demons, so humans usually easily warmed up to them. 

  "Yeah I'm fine," I said and didn't look up at the person talking to me. I grabbed my things and stood. "Did you need something from the shop? I can let you in if you needed anything," I said quietly, wiping my face before looking up. 

 He shook his head and looked down at her, all his attention and calming energy going to her. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and made sure he used the voice his mother taught him that intrigues humans.

  I stopped crying as I looked at this guy. He was so beautiful but I didn't understand how he made me feel so safe and made me stop crying. "N-No I'm not okay," I sighed and looked at him more, knowing he was different but I didn't know how. 

 He tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong Hun? Why are you crying at-" he looked at his watch "why are you crying at all?" He asked sadly and looked at her

  I sat down on the ground and played with my hands. "I'm lonely," I sighed and motioned for him to sit as I thought he was just as normal as me. "I come here and stay all day alone and then I go home alone, I wake up alone, I go to bed alone, I have no one," I said, about to cry again.  

 He listened to her and looked at her with kind eyes. "You aren't alone" he said quietly. "Nobody is alone in this world. We all have someone"

"But I have no one, don't you understand?" I sighed and hugged my knees, staring at the ground. "Look it's getting late, i should go home," I said and stood with my stuff, putting it in the car. 

  "Hey uh-" he was going to say something but it was all forgotten as he accidentally tapped her shoulder. He realized he had made the connection with her 

I shivered as he touched me and turned to him. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him,"Tae?" I asked as the same name filled my mind before leaving after I said it. 

  "Yes" he said and pulled her close for a hug. "Will you let me explain?" He asked into her neck as he hugged her warmly, his embrace feeling like a bed made of clouds. 

 I was shocked as it was his name but the way he hugged me made he want to stay like this forever. "Yeah but can we go to my house, it's super late."


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