Some Boy.

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I opened my eyes after the short period of time I slept. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so I wasn't fazed. I noticed Harry wasn't in bed. I got out of our warm bed and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. He wasn't in there. I looked in the living room. The only response I got in there was the low murmurs of the people on the television. I yawned a little confused. Harry wouldn't leave without telling me ahead. I was about to go back to the bedroom to get my phone, so I could contact him and see where he was, when I noticed a piece of paper lying on the kitchen table. I walked in and picked up the note. It read:






Chapter One

"Where did you want to go for our girls night out?" We did this every Friday night. Same routine, we spend about two and a half hours trying to decide where to go and end up going to the same place each time. Catherine's Coffee, our popular hang out spot. We know everyone in there, including all the employees.

We - of course - decided on Catherine's. "Hey, guys!" Catharine said cheerfully. She was always in a good mood. That's why I liked her so much. "Hello, Catharine," Brooke said sitting down at the bar. Brooke, Aubrey and  Christina were my best friends. We did almost everything together. They were all beautiful in their own kind of way. Brooke had bouncy blonde curls and big blue eyes. She had such a witty personality. Her personality was almost as big as her dimples. Aubrey had straight long brown hair and brown eyes. Her olive skin made her look beautiful in any color she wore. Her smile lit up the whole town. Everyone was Aubrey's friend. Christina had long brown hair and green eyes. She was a very skilled violin player and an amazing basketball star.

Catharine brought us our usual drinks and we talked about the drama at school, what celebrity was dating who, and a bunch of other things you would expect a bunch of 17 year old girls to talk about. While Christina babbled on about some boyband she liked, I couldn't help but notice the boy standing in the corner. We knew everybody in the coffee house, so it was kind of strange to see somebody new. I looked around to see if any more new people have shown up in the coffee house. I recognized everyone in there, he was the only new one. The corner he was in was darker than the rest of the store, so I couldn't quite make out his features.

Except when we made eye contact.

He lifted his head revealing big green eyes. But not a normal green, no. They were like a fire, blazing into my own. But they were not upset or mad. He was calm, with a slightly curious expression on his face.

I turned back to face the girls, who were listening to Brooke tell a story about her cat. "Hey," I interrupted, "Do you know who that guy is over there?" I made sure to lower my voice so I could save myself from the embarrassment that he could have possibly heard me. 

They all looked. None of them got to see his eyes. He remained to look at the floor. "No..." Catharine started, " I haven't seen him in here ever." The girls stared some more until I finally said, "Aw, stop guys, you'll make it obvious we're talking about him."

Aubrey smiled, "Oh, calm down, Mara. He didn't even see us." I looked back at him while my friends continued on with their conversation. Why was I so curious about some boy?

 Chapter 2

It was 10:46 P.M. when we left. We said goodbye to each other and started walking to our cars. I was the last person to leave, because the hand on my arm stopped me. My first reaction was self defense. I turned around and jabbed my opponent in the stomach with my elbow. They were on the ground with a hand on their stomach. I stood triumphant.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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