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3 weeks later||

Light filtered through the blinds like water held in two weakly clasped hands; light trickled and covered the room with a golden glow.

For the longest moments the bedroom was quiet and Phil slept soundly underneath the blanket; only his hair could be seen splayed against the soft blue sheets. Every once in a while his snoring was loud enough that you could just barely hear the muffled exhale of breath as his chest rose and fell.

Then finally a sluggish hand grasped the blanket and pulled the blankets down to show the pale and placid face of the boy whose eyes remained close for another moment before his lids flutter open, a butterfly taking off its pedestal. His eyes were a bright blue but a deep shade that showed how deep in sleep he had been before. The sunlight gave his features somewhat of a ethereal look and his softly parted lips a painted appearance. Though the same couldn't be said about his hair, which stuck up in random places, so stark straight that they seemed to possess their own gravity. Phil pulled the blanket along with him and rose from the bed, shuffling across his bed room.

Phil didn't think about much of anything as he mind still hummed with sleep, the only thought that passed through his brain was the fact that he could really  use a cup of coffee. He slowly descended the staircase and made his way through the kitchen. He fluently grabbed the coffee pot filling it with boiling water and setting it under the coffee grind, putting in the fresh beans and letting the machine buzz to life as it grounded the beans and injected powder into the water below. The small pot spun on the rotating plate mixing the coffee, it slowed to a stop and the liquid dripped out the bottom through a filter and into Phil's favorite mug.

Though the machine seemed cool and elaborate, there were a handful of times where it would malfunction and send coffee grounds spitting out the top with dark coffee sludge dripping down the sides. Phil knew that was his was own fault for not cleaning out the grinder regularly and buying a coffee grinder for only 5 dollars at the city thrift shop. Phil liked it; it didn't quite go with the modern theme of his apartment, but he thought it was cool and a cheap alternative to an expensive Keurig. The seller said it was hand made and there was nothing quite like it. He took the steaming mug and started to sip despite the slightly scorching temperatures. He sat on the window seal, perched in the living room, and looked over the city, thinking to himself.

He started school tomorrow and he was hesitant to go back. He struggled a lot in his freshman year in college, adjusting was almost impossible and the boy had taken so many sick days he wasn't sure how he maintained his grade and remained a student at the school. He didn't want to go back; not really anyways. He didn't trust himself after what he did, he shut his eyes squeezing them after he thought about the man's screams. He had done so well this far at keeping what was inside him at bay, an entire 7 months without incident but that night...he was pushed too far. He was terrified with the man's hands on him and the fact that his struggling did almost nothing to get him free; he just couldn't keep himself together. His mind went dark, thinking about what the man was planning to do to him and that if Phil hadn't lost it, what he would have done to him. He sat his mug down and wrapped his arms around himself pulling his legs to his chest. He closed his eyes as he took deep breaths and in his mind repeating in concession that he was okay that man couldn't hurt him anymore. But Phil never wanted to kill him, maybe thrown in jail to rot, but death shouldn't be casted upon anyone no matter how corrupt.

Phil almost forgot what it was like to be normal, it was nothing but a fuzzy memory to him because it seemed so far from where he was now. But Phil's cards were dealt and there was nothing he could do to fix it, he had researched and traveled all over the internet to find someone or something that could help him figure out what this was and if there was a way to be rid of it but he found little to nothing mostly just what you would expect to find when searching " insatiable hunger for human blood" . And even that didn't help much because there was literally nothing actually like him. There is only one word for what defined some of his madness and that only lead him to more madness. Thinking hurt his head but thinking was the only thing that keep him all here and thinking is what keeps him and others safe.

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