Chapter 3

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Zane called Kai to the door, Kai put Aiden down but he wasn't ready to leave Kai's side so he followed him to the door holding onto his leg as they got there. Kai stared at the woman in front of him, the one and only Skylar Chen was standing in front of him. Kai smiled lightly the faintest of blushes creeping on his face, Skylar smiled and then saw that their was a child behind Kai. She frowned and pointed to the small, timid child behind him.

"Kai? Who is that? I didn't know you started babysitting?"

She watched him curiously knowing the little boy would ruin her new plan to take down the ninja, she smiled at Aiden. Aiden smiled back sensing something off about the woman talking with his father but ignored it never seeing his dad like he was. He smiled and left the two adults to talk amongst each other, Nya scooped the boy up and took him to the kitchen making him food.

"Hey Aiden?"

Aiden hummed happily snacking on the small cookies, since his father didn't want him eating anything that was too big yet.

"When's your birthday little man?"

She smiled setting down a small pizza and Mac and cheese for the boy a waiting his answer happily, Aiden smiled then frowned.

"It's in a few weeks...but I don't really want anything...I just want to know why my mom doesn't love me..."

Aiden looked down sadly, Nya looked at him with the same amount of sadness and hugged him tightly.

"well we will find her and see why okay? Until then just enjoy turning...wait how old are you going to turn anyway?"

Aiden smiled lightly and ate another cookie holding up five of his fingers to show he knew how to count at least a little.

"I'm going to be turning six this year! And daddy said that he will start training me to be a ninja this year! I want to be like my daddy and be the best ninja I can be!"

He said excidedly causing Nya to giggle in happiness.

"My, Kai has a handful with you doesn't he?"

Aiden nodded as Kai and Skylar came in holding hands, Aiden smiled and yawned lightly still being slightly tired.


"Nya watch Aiden. Kai and I are going to the beach bye!"

She drug him away, Aiden felt his heart break in two and frowned deeply wiping away a tear.

"I'm going to go...take a nap auntie..."

Nya watched sadly as her nephew that was happy and bright a few moments ago was now reduced to a depressed sad sack. Nya went to go yell at her brother to find them really gone, Nya frowned and sighed going to Kai's room and seeing Aiden crying silently into a pillow. She closed the door and left the child to cry fearing that this was the last time they would really ever see Kai with out Skylar on his arm.

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