Some Scars Can Heal

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Hello, my dear reader!

                                This story contains contenet that may be offencive to some people, if you have issues with self harm and explicet language. So now that we're done with formalities! WHATS UP PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!! This story was inspired by true events that happened to me, and I'm extremely happy that I'm now able to use these events to move on and get them out. At first I was hesitant of telling you this, but the I thought, "What the hell, why not," So yeah, I'm going to stop talking now and you can read my story of these two lovely boys (Who I made up) and yeah! Maybe I'll make sequals, maybe not! I'm just playing it by ear.

                                                           Happy reading!



Aaron Bennet was laying on his couch at home, staring at the His best friend, Miles Saunders, was sitting opposite of him on an armchair playing Pokemon on his DS. Aaron sighed heavily. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he endlessly thought of his boredom.

"I'm leaving." His mom says as she opens the door.

"Okay, B-"

The door slammed before he was able to finish.



"I got a level 69 Nine tails on the world trade center." He said with a bored tone.

"Haha" Aaron piped up with the same tone. "I'm bored."

"Obviously." Miles says slamming the DS shut. He threw his feet up over the arm of the chair and laid back. "Bored."

"Finally!" Aaron says leaping up from the couch. 

"Lets go do something entertaining."

"Like what?" Miles says running his hands through his ebony hair. "Its not like theres a circus across the street."

"Even if there was one, you wouldn't want to go." The other boy says as he grabs his phone. "Hey we could go skating."

"Why?" Miles says standing. He straightened his black dress shirt and jeans. 

"Why not? Have you ever been?"

"Ice or rollar?"



"Well I know what we're doing." Aaron says as he grabs his tan, leather coat.

"Wait, but-" Miles started to protest, but was cut off when his wool coat hit is face.

"No buts, Miles." Aaron says as he opens the door.

"Fine...." He says as he stomps over. He fixes the collar of his shirt and grabs his black and grey striped scarf. Then he pulls his coat over his vest.

Aaron motions outside with a huge grin. Miles glares at him and meets his amber eyes.

"Whose car?"

"Mine, it was my idea." 

"Good. I'm running low on gas." Miles says as he plops into the passenger side.

"Thats a first." Aaron remarks sliding his key into the ignition.

Aaron looks up and catches Miles's sky blue eyes. Both boys started to burst out laughing.


The boys first met when they were six in first grade in a small private school. Miles had always been quite and Aaron as the total opposite with his loud laugh and bright beaming expressions. Miles mother had forced him to try out for soccer to help him make friends. Aaron had always been the athlete and when Miles was having problems with getting involved, Aaron had taken upon himself to help Miles. Even with Aaron's help, Miles just didn't enjoy sports, so he migrated to the piano and guitar. He found it easiest to play whenever he thought of Aaron.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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