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Jason's Family was a religious family, they went to church at least once a week. Every time they went, Jason's parents prayed for an angel to watch over Jason, they thought he was too pure for the rotten world. Jason on the other hand, prayed for his parents to live a long, happy life. One night after church, Jason was praying in his room, hoping to get the courage to tell his parents that he didn't need a guardian angel, since he was one himself. While he prayed, his halo and wings came out shinning bright in his room.


"Honestly Honey, do you think he will be up? Maybe he just fell asleep with the lights on. He was tired after all!" Jason's Mother, Willow, said quietly to her husband, Danny.

"Darling, he's at that age. Why don't you just check?" Willow sighed,

"Alright, sweetie! What ever you want!" Willow opened the door quietly, and just stood there for a minute.

"J-Jason..You...??" Jason turned around startled but his mother's voice, His wings and halo fading. "M-Mother-.. I- I'm sorry! I d-didn't.." Jason backed up shaking and scared. His wings and halo completely gone from sight.

"D-Danny... Come here.." Willow said quietly, walking toward her son.

"Willow, what the matter..?" Willow shook her head, and then hugged Jason. "Jason.. Why didn't you tell us..?"

Jason returned the hug and quietly replied "I didn't want you know... I thought you'd kill me if you found out.."

Danny shook his head. "What is going on here..?" Jason's mother looked at Jason and he nodded. Willow backed away, letting him have his space. Jason looked down, and let his wings and halo reappear. Danny's eyes widen.

"Jason?? You hid this from us for so long?!?" Jason's wings and halo quickly faded and he backed away with tears in his eyes.

"D-Dad... I'm s-s-sorry...! I-I just...." Jason, himself faded away with fear.

"JASON NO!" Danny launched himself to where Jason was standing, trying to grab him before he was gone.

Danny was too late, Both Willow and Danny started crying then Willow grabbed a phone and called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"O-our son, Jason r-ran away.."


Jason found himself outside of his house. He took off his necklace and put it by the front door.

"I-I'm sorry.. Mother.. Father.." He said quietly before he started running away from the house. Jason found the energy to teleport again and he teleported farther then before. He was in a place he didn't recognize at all. He walked around for awhile, when he found a place called 'Saint Barnhill orphanage'. Jason sighed and walked up to the door, deciding if this would be his home for now.

"H-here goes nothing.." He said as he opened the door to find a lady at the counter, looked to be around 16.

"Hello and welcome to Saint Barnhill orphanage, how may I-" The lady started to say until she realized that Jason was a kid, around 7 years old.

"Kid, are you lost? Hey are you okay? You're crying.." She said calmly. Jason looked at her and then said, "I have no home, and no place to live...M-May I please stay here...?"

The lady smiled sadly at him.

"Of course, kid. We have open bed in the 7-9 aged kids that you can sleep in. By the way, I'm Gracie Kind. But if you please, call me Mrs.Kind." Jason smiled, weakly.

"Thank you, Mrs.Kind. I'm Jason, and I'm 8 years old."

"Jason, what a nice name! You'll be sharing a room with.. Naomi I believe. Next to Nathan and Sapphire's room."


Jason didn't know what he got himself into..

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