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I'm a Cat Eye. Few people know who we are. That's because there are only a few of us on the face of this Earth. We were made in a strange way. You see, I'm a cat. Well, only part cat. I'm also a human. It's disturbing when you think about it but that's how I came to be. Humans and cats have different characteristics. So we have to have a mix. Every Cat Eye is different. My parents told me I was one of a kind. To go in detail, I'm the only Cat Eye that has whiskers. I had always despised them and even cut them off at a young age. But they grew back and it hurt like hell. So I learned to get used to them and even how to use them. It's hard using them because they are disguised as hair. I have brown hair so the white streaks show up in my hair clearly. I've tried to dye it but no matter how much dye I put on, it disappears after it dries. People stare but I've gotten used to it.

I used to not go to school. K-8 I was homeschooled. Last year was my first year at public school. One reason I didn't go to school earlier is because my eyes are actual cat eyes. I don't see like a regular human being. I've had to get colored contacts to cover up my eyes. Claws on the other hand, we didn't know what to do. My nails aren't like regular human nails. Or cat claws. They are hard as steel and sharp like a knife. They look like actual claws. There was nothing we could do with them so we had to leave them. People stared and I was embarrassed. Everything else looked like a regular human being. I ate human food, I was the usual teenager with the latest phone, own room and the guy of my dreams. About him. He's on the football team, white smile, dreamy eyes....

Yea, no. I don't have a crush. That's the thing. I don't like guys. But I don't even like girls either. I only like my kind. Cat Eyes. I hate that. I hate that I'll never find the right guy. Heck, I don't even know if there are any Cat Eyes of the opposite gender. I only know what my mother told me. My mother is a human. Well she was a human. She got murdered when I was in 8th grade. That's why I started going to public school. There was no one to teach me. Anyway, my mother told me she knew someone who knew a Cat Eye. That was her best friend, Diana. Diana told me she used to be friends with one. Until she was hunted down by hunters. Oh, another thing. We're being hunted. I try to be careful and doing so means not trusting anyone which means no friends.

.I overheard Diana and my mom once talking that there's only 10 Cat Eyes left. And even though how I was born is bad, I can't help but think how I'll die. Why did someone even make us alive? What kind of sicko does that?

Whoever knew any Cat Eyes were murdered by the hunters. My mom and Diana were murdered. Just in time for when I started school. I take care of myself now. Me and my father, the cat.

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