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Upon reading this story, I would like everyone to know that I was 15 when I wrote this. I am fully aware of all the grammar and writing mistakes in it, as well as not being detailed enough. The same goes to any drawings I made throughout this book. Please do not judge too harshly and like/dislike based on the plot and story itself, not my mistakes. Thank you and enjoy.

Note : I may rewrite this story to fix said mistakes. If I do, the chapter will simply be updated. I will not delete the entire book and start anew, as people may be in the middle of reading, are looking forward to reading, or simply wouldn't be able to find this book again.

And just as a future reference, I have discontinued the sequel, as my imagination has run dry. Maybe one day I'll continue, who knows. For your sake though of not being disappointed or left on a cliffhanger I suggest you only read this book. Granted, you can still read what there is. It's all up to you.

Note : This book was made before Undertale had even been announced. While it may seem I am making references to them, I actually am not. If anything, they are making references to me (obviously not) since this was created first.

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